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  • Great

    By No problem with Leo
    A great start of the final book of a truly great series. A must read!!!
  • As expected

    By Skywackerr
    Great beginning to the end.
  • Excited!

    By AppMMOgamer
    I can't wait!!!
  • Brilliant prologue....

    By Futureliveshere
    Equal parts exhilarating and frustrating. Can't wait to get my hands onto the book now.
  • A Memory of Light

    By Goobahpah
    So many characters and plot lines, but it's a very good read. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all concludes.
  • Amazing

    By GlobalM
    The final volume of the Wheel of Time starts off with a bang. Literally. If this is any indication of what's to come, this book will be a fitting end to one of the greatest series ever written. Bittersweet as not having more books to look forward to is.
  • By grace and fallen banners.

    By Dragonlord1976
    This was a great way to wet our appetites (as if any of us needed it) for the epic conclusion to a fantasy masterpiece that for many of us has take a large, if not all of the better part of our adult lives to read. I was 18 when Eye of the world came out and i am now 36. For me it will be like relieving the loss of RJ again with the end of the series. Brandon has done a magnificent job with the final chapters, and does justice and honor to a literary legend.
  • Wish they would release it already

    By Cochise69
    I wish they would just release it since it has already gone to print or at advanced copies have gotten online reviews. The prologue was great, but of course it leaves you hanging. Save your money though if you can be patient; and just get the full ebook. Look for the hard copy @ Barnes and Nobles. They usually have 20-40% off stickers on them the 1st few weeks.
  • Brandon = Full of Win

    By Althorius
    I read a lot of fantasy. A LOT. I think Brandon may be the best fantasy author of all time. I think he is doing a better job at WoT than Jordan was - meaning no disrespect to one of the greatest authors whose books I've ever had the honor of reading.
  • Hungry for more!!!

    By Rogue1
    Sanderson/Jordan come through!! Now begins the agonizing wait for the whole book!! Can't wait! It's gonna be epic!