The Holy Bible - King James

The Holy Bible

By King James

  • Release Date: 2012-12-16
  • Genre: Bibles
Score: 3.5
From 87 Ratings


The Holy Bible, Red Letter Edition consists of the entire Old Testament and the New Testament with the words of Jesus Christ highlighted in red. This makes it the ideal Bible for following and understanding the exact words of Jesus. This translation is the King James Version.

Updated on October 2020


  • Why

    By nadroJ rednaSeD
    I bought this because I love to read the Bible. I like old and new testaments but was not very happy when it showed the New Testament before the Old Testament that is not right todo I guess I will only rely on my print version sorry will not buy a electronic bible no more
  • Misleading. It’s not the entire bible

    By Afusarini
    Misleading. It’s not the entire bible.
  • Missing Scripture

    By Delilah Cox Samples
    This Bible is missing 2 Chronicles 7:14 and the rest of this book of the Bible. Any missing scripture is unacceptable.
  • The not Wholly Bible

    By Uniquering
    2 Chronicles is missing the last 30 chapters.
  • Stay Away

    By Fluffy Feather Pillow
    Revelation 22 is missing verse 21. Not a good thing when verse 19 in the same chapter of the same book says "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Find a complete KJV, if you want to avoid risking condemnation to the lake of fire.
  • Not Full Book

    By Mrs. Escalante
    I downloaded this book thinking it was the entire holy bible beginning from Genesis and ending at Revelations which consists of the Old & New Testament, but it's really only the red letters from the Old & New Testament. Confusing title...
  • Red Letter Edition

    By WalkingonSand
    This version of the Holy Bible has the words of Jesus highlighted in red making it easy to follow the words and teachings of Christ. Great Bible at a low price point. Recommended.