Hardly anybody outside a company knows its products and processes better than its suppliers. Research confirms that intensive integration of suppliers in the value creation process positively influences the success of the company, particularly in highly competitive industries. This is a result of the progressing reduction in the depth of value creation of manufacturers and the increasing transfer of know-how towards suppliers. In multilevel business-to-business relationships, suppliers often have the best or the only access and comprehensive knowledge about the end users. Therefore, suppliers determine the scope of possible innovations, which most companies do not actively use. This unique volume provides a comprehensive overview of theories, concepts and especially empirical results on open innovation and the integration of suppliers. For this, authors from all over the world present their latest research results offering fascinating insights into collaborative approaches with suppliers.Contents: Introduction (Alexander Brem and Joe Tidd) Theories and Concepts: Advancing a Typology of Open Innovation (Peter Gianiodis, Scott C Ellis and Enrico Secchi) Open Innovation and the Integration of Suppliers — Literature Review and Discussion on Supplier Innovation (Alexander Brem and Gerd Schuster) Managing Open Innovation in New Product Development Projects: A Contingent Perspective (Hanna Bahemia and Brian Squire) Collaborative Product Development for Competing Suppliers (S Sinan Erzurumlu) Empirical Findings Based on Quantitative Research: Supplier Innovativeness and Supplier Pricing: The Role of Preferred-Customer Status (Holger Schiele, Jasper Veldman and Lisa Hüttinger) The Effect of Trade Policy Regimes on Firms' Learning From Suppliers How to Innovate (Jahan Ara Peerally and John Cantwell) The Relation Between Internal and External Open Innovation: A Study of Firms Located in the Goomi and Banwol-Sihwa Clusters in South Korea (Joseph Yun Jin-Hyo and Avvari V Mohan) Collaborative Approach Within the Open Innovation Framework: Russian Companies (Daria Podmetina, Maria Smirnova, Juha Väätänen and Marko Torkkeli) Rigidities Considered: Supplier Strategies for Integrated Innovation (Thorsten Teichert and Ricarda B Bouncken) Supplier Involvement in Customer New Product Development: New Insights From the Supplier's Perspective (Irina Tiemann, Nathalie Sick and Jens Leker) Insights From Case Study Research: Knowledge and Intellectual Property Management in Customer–Supplier Relations (Jaakko Paasi, Tuija Rantala, Katri Valkokari and Nari Lee) Procurement Procedures for Supplier Integration and Open Innovation in Process Development Projects (Per Erik Eriksson and David Rönnberg Sjödin) Organising Innovation Processes With Suppliers (Tina B Aune and Espen Gressetvold) Managing the Fuzzy Front End: Intra-Firm Versus Inter-Firm Networks (Jacob Høj Jørgensen, Erik Stavnsager Rasmussen, René Chester Goduscheit Bergenholtz and Carsten Bergenholtz) How New Product Development Service Suppliers Exchange Knowledge in Open Innovation Processes (Gabriele Colombo, Claudio Dell'Era and Federico Frattini) Managing Offshore Development: A Cultural Perspective (Petra Edoff, Christer Norström and Ylva Wretås) Wearing Different Hats: How Absorptive Capacity Differs in Open Innovation (Lance Newey) Generativity in Open Innovation Ecosystems: The iPhone and Android (Björn Remneland-Wikhamn, Jan Ljungberg, Magnus Bergquist and Jonas Kuschel) Crossing Horizons: Leveraging a Cross-Industry Innovation Search in the Front-End of the Innovation Process (Sabine Brunswicker and Ulrich Hutschek) Summary and Future Directions (Joe Tidd and Alexander Brem) Readership: Students and researchers who are interested in technology and innovation management.