Fatherland - Robert Harris


By Robert Harris

  • Release Date: 2013-03-04
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature
Score: 1.5
From 29 Ratings


Nel 1964 Berlino è la capitale di un impero che si estende dal Reno agli Urali. Il presidente degli Stati Uniti decide di recarsi in Germania per trattare con Hitler, ormai settantacinquenne e sempre al comando. Ma alla vigilia dell'incontro un gerarca nazista muore misteriosamente. Dalle indagini sul caso affidate a Xavier March, brillante investigatore berlinese, emerge il vivido ritratto di una società corrotta e scontenta, di un potere ancora forte, ma totalmente destinato alla disgregazione. Un thriller fantapolitico raggelante e grandioso. Un romanzo eccitante nato da un'ipotesi storica che fu sul punto di avverarsi e di cambiare il destino del mondo.


  • This is BS

    By Anaheim D
    There is nothing that says it’s only in Italian. Why is this not available in English. I too want my $9 back. BS Apple
  • I don’t read Italian, there was no warning

    By Comoedia
    How do I get my 9 dollars back?
  • Couldn’t read it. Not in English. Insufficient warning!

    By truelyscrewed
    Couldn’t read it. Not in English. Big waste of purchase price!! Warning was insufficient. Big ripoff!
  • What a shame ...

    By RxDoc_NYC
    Shamefully marketing of a book that is not in English without giving notice to the buyers. Apple is in bad company with this book …
  • Fatherland

    By wheatena kid
    Apple should be ashamed. Why in the world would Apple offer the book in Italian? Bad business decision!
  • Why isn’t the title also in Italian?

    By DBurkhanaev
    The review for the book is in English, so is the title. It isn’t until you dig into the description, or in my case, after you pay $9 that you discover the book is in English. Also available in German and Spanish. Just the English title which happens to be in Italian.
  • Misleading

    By I am the sand man
    It's in Italian - with no clear indication

    By AA4life12
    Why is this not in English. I wish Apple would specifically tell you that it isn't English, I bought this and I can't read it, I am very disappointed Apple.
  • I got ripped off

    By Roger J. Buffington
    I wanted to read "Fatherland" on my iPad, so I plunked down my hard-earned dough only to discover that the copy I got is in Italian. Not reading Italian, I have to say that I got screwed. Apple should not have made it so easy to make this mistake; the cover on iTunes is in English and that is what we all thought we were buying. A total rip-off.
  • English?

    By rickgv
    Why is this not available in English? Would get a better rating if I could actually read this!