* Having picked up the sword of the Crusader in my last novel A PINT-SIZED WHISPERER exposing the scandalous pressure applied to pregnant women to terminate their foetus after being told their unborn babies were likely to be suffering with the dreaded Downs Syndrome, I now lighten up. Although A PINT-SIZED WHISPERER was commercially received successfully and questions raised in the House of Commons which rebuked certain sections of the NHS, I now return to my genre of easy-reading fiction. * MY FAIR ELIZA is a light-hearted parody of Alan Jay Werners book and George Bernard Shaws evergreen musical show My Fair Lady. * It is more than that. It is a heartfelt tribute to those dedicated people, they used to call crimpers, who couple their dexterity with brush, comb and scissors with a friendliness that keep us amused and entertained while we are sat shrouded by a voluminous sheet in their salon chairs.