Set in the decaying Colombian town of Macondo, the Colonel is scraping together the money for food and medicine. It is the Colonel’s rooster that gives him hope for a better future as it has become a symbol of defiance in the face of despair.
Claudia Ramírez Lomelí, Ricardo Raphael, Gabriel García Márquez, Alejandro Rosas, Julio Patán, Benito Taibo, Trino, Gil Gamés, Ana María Olabuenaga, Antonio Ortuño, Pedro Salmerón, Felipe Ávila, David Pastor Vico, Elena Poniatowska, Guillermo Barba, Fritz Glockner, Ana Paula Ugalde Haro, Gaby Pérez Islas, Gloria Calzada, Héctor Zagal, Diego Petersen, Stephen Chbosky & Sergio Sepulveda
H.P. Lovecraft, Frank Richard Stockton, Edgar Allan Poe, Guy de Maupassant, Franz Kafka, Arthur Conan Doyle, Gabriel García Márquez, Oscar Wilde, W.W. Jacobs & Richard Matheson