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  • North of Nowhere

    By Victorian London
    I’m a new Brennan fan; her stories keep you up at night. I’m only half through, but I had to stop and put in my plug for her. ‘Recommend this author!!
  • Another great Brennan book!

    By JBT7088
    Couldn’t put it down.
  • North of Nowhere

    Long drawn out story, with twists and turns to the point it’s boring. Just wanted the story and book to end.
  • It was a good read

    By Amigo73
    After reading so many bad books on the best sellers list and wondering how in the heck they got there, this was my summer surprise, an actually good book. Shocking, I know. Good story, good character development, and a lovely quick pace. Noting dragged, and things were pretty tidy in the end. I enjoyed the fact that the author treated the younger characters like clever, thinking people and didn’t dummy them down.
  • Awesome Story!!

    By BestMeAlways
    It’s a good thing I am retired because that way I can sit and read a book and never stop until I want to or until the book ends, which was the case in this story. I could not put this book down. This is a new to me author, and I will definitely be looking for more of her works. The story was fast paced, and had twists and turns and mystery and suspense. I would recommend this to anyone who has those interest too. I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley. This is my honest and voluntary review.