Cuisine of Sicily - Enrico Massetti

Cuisine of Sicily

By Enrico Massetti

  • Release Date: 2022-09-20
  • Genre: Regional & Ethnic


Enrico Massetti

Enrico Massetti wrote this book with 80 recipes with color photos.

The Vucciria Market opens early in the heart of Palermo's historic old city. By 4 a.m., anglers are hauling in the day's catch; by 5 a.m., vendors are setting out fruit and vegetables; and by 6 a.m., the place is bustling with shoppers. It's a tradition that's gone on the same way for the last 700 years.

Every day but Sunday, the Vucciria fills with fishers, shopkeepers, and merchants who have come to peddle their goods. And it's quite a selection: pasta, grains, sacks of beans, bags of dried herbs, shoes, socks, cigarette lighters shaped like handguns, grappa, wine, CDs, paintings and paperweights of the Madonna, salted capers (a local specialty), zucchini the size of a child's leg, crates of artichokes still attached to their long stalks, tomatoes (large, small, sun-dried, packed in oil, in a can, on the vine) and practically anything else you can think of.


The Vucciria Market, Swordfish Agghiotta, Arancini di Riso - Rice Balls, Linguine alla bottarga, Swordfish Rolls, Pantelleria capers bruschetta, Ricotta-stuffed Rolls, Caponata siciliana - Eggplant and Tomato Stew, Stuffed Artichokes, Sicilian Cassata Cake, Cotognata - Quince Preserve, Fish Stew Couscous, Crispeddi - Anchovy and Dill Fritters, Fravioli di Carnevale - Carnival Sweet Ravioli, Falsomagro - Stuffed Beef Roll, Gnocculli with ragout and vegetables, Involtini di pesce spada - Swordfish Rolls, Melanzane alla Siciliana - Eggplant Sicilian, Panizza - Chickpea Polenta, Bucatini with Sardines, Peppers Sauteed with Olive Oil and Capers, Pesce spada a'sammurigghu - A'sammurigghu swordfish, Pesto ericino - Pesto from Erice, Pignolata, Salmoriglio - Olive Oil, Lemon, and Garlic Sauce, Stuffed Sardines, Scorzette di Arance Candite,Sfinciuni, Spaghetti alla puttanesca, Testina di capretto al Forno - Baked Spring Kid's Head, Ziti al pomodoro e tonno - Short pasta with tomato and tuna, Stigghiola – lamb guts, How to make Stigghiola, Sicilian Pizza, Sicilian pizza, Scacciata, impanata, scaccia, mbigliulata, Historical notes, Etymology, Quality, Description and variants, Consumption, Possible variants, Pizzolo, Pane e panelle – Bread and pancakes, Capuliato, Preparation and use, Sarde allinguate – Sweet and sour fried sardines, Preparation, Dolci dei morti, Musciame, Pantesca Salad, Recipe Agrodolce, Recipe Bruschetta Ai Capperi Di Pantelleria, Crespelle Con Ripieno Di Pollo, Braccioli di pesce spada – Swordfish Braccioli, Zuppa Di Vongole – Clam Soup, Ziti Al Pomodoro E Tonno – Ziti with Tomato and Tuna, Torta Di Olive Di Nocellera Del Belice, Testina Di Capretto Al Forno – Oven-baked Kid Head, Recipe Arancini Di Riso – Arancino with meat sauce and peas, Agghiotta Di Pesce Spada – Swordfish Agghiotta, How to make Agghiotta di Pesce Spada:, Sfogliatine Con Ragusano E Miele – Puffs with Ragusano and Honey, How to make the Puff Envelopes with Ragusano and Honey:, Ragù di Pesce – Fish Ragout, Pomodori Essiccati – Sun dried tomatoes, Pasta Ncasciata, Granita Caffè e Panna – Coffee and Cream Granita, Gelato Di Bergamotto – Bergamot Ice-Cream, Recipe Bocconcini Di Pollo Con Pecorino Siciliano – Recipe Chicken Chunks with Pecorino Sicilian Cheese, Recipe Asparagi Brasati Con Parmigiano Reggiano – Recipe Braised Asparagus with Parmesan Cheese, Crispelle di riso – Rice crispies, Crocchè – Crocchette – Neapolitan Croquettes, Cuddura cull'ova – Cuddura with eggs, Giurgiulena – Christmas cake, Recipe Parmigiana Di Melanzane, Pennette aio oio picchio pacchio, Carpaccio di pesce spada – Swordfish Carpaccio, Palermitan style swordfish, Chicken with orange, Spaghetti carter style, Bacio from Pantelleria, Zuccata – Involtini Di Vitello Alla Siciliana