This is book number two in this series and although the characters and conversations have been added for dramatization purposes these scripts still remain true to the original Bible stories.
Children really enter into these dramas and imagine themselves in the stories where they can learn about tough situations, and how these old characters responded to whatever was throw up in their lives.
The Rev Sue Simpson of Somersham Benefice comments: "I learned quite a bit myself, things that I just took for granted but see with new eyes in the introduction and the dramatic retelling of the story. I think you bring the characters to life and also bring out the humour and the humanness of them."
A little history:
I was part of a small group of Christians who wanted to start a drama after school's club. I spent a considerable amount of time trawling through the Internet looking for suitable drama scripts, but none of them seemed to fit what we wanted to achieve.
So, I decided to write my own Bible story drama scripts based on the stories from the Bible:
Can a money grabbing person ever change?What Happened After Jesus Died?Babylon's Palace - Interpret my dream - but I'm not saying what I dreamt about!Babylon's Palace - The pride of king NebuchadnezzarBabylon's Palace - More arrogance and jealousy
These five Bible story drama scripts are written in a modern, humorous style that children will love to act out and the adults will also enjoy watching them!