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  • this was the best book in the folk of the air series.

    By Squirrelflight TC
    are you joking? oaks point of view has got to be my favorite in the entire universe. the tricks and the schemes are always so, so good. the romance, the pining, it had me screaming crying and throwing up and giggling in joy. wren is such an interesting character and i want more from her. i want more oak and wren please. jude and cardan? perfection. they ate down. ATE. DOWN. and the focus on the twisted little family they’ve made is BEAUTIFUL. i could not have asked for a better book than this. holly black this is why you’re my favorite ever. i think my favorite part of the book was that, exploring this confusing family, how they love each other in their strange ways, and how they all learn from their various mistakes, and how still they’re so, so cunning. they’d do anything for each other, they’d kill for one another. ALSO NICASIA BOOK COMING SOON??????? I CAN JUST SMELL IT. THIS OUGHT TO BE GOOD ESPECIALLY IF MY POOKIES JURDAN ARE GONNA BE THERE!!!!!
  • Not the same but still enjoyable

    By jdebnoirsbkkodzer
    I love the first three books with Cardan and Jude so much and I was pretty happy with stolen heir, but I don’t think this one really lived up to the rest. Switching POVs to oak was nice since we got his perspective on things but I felt like we lost all of wrens complexity when it did, and that’s something I found really compelling about Hollys works was her female characters so it felt like a loss overall. I was way more interested in tiernan and hyacinth and their romance and history than anything between wren and oak tbh I felt that would have been a better book. Still read the whole thing, Holly’s world building is unmatched and I would still recommend this series if you loved the first trilogy
  • thank you holly black!!!

    By jskss98
    every book in this series will get 5 stars from me. love the characters endlessly, and think about them every day :')