With only three percent of the Earth covered by fresh water, fifty-one percent of all fish (more than eighteen thousand) and thousands of plant species are found in these waters. Most hobbyists are familiar with them, but few know their actual places of origin or the conditions they’re accustomed to.
In Aquatic Habitats, Tai Strietman transports readers from their living rooms to wild and beautiful freshwater habitats around the world. Immersed in aquatic environments full of fascinating fishes and plants—from the Congo in Africa and the shallow streams of the Amazon Basin to the Northern billabongs in Australia and the Tennessee hills—Strietman shares intimate knowledge of natural aquatic habitats and how to recreate these incredible environments within the confines of an aquarium.
Supplying details on the latest equipment and materials available in the aquarium hobby while weaving in aquascaping techniques inspired by the living artworks of masters such as Takashi Amano, Aquatic Habitats provides step-by-step instructions (along with extensive background information) on how to set up stunning, natural-style aquaria in your own home.
Perfect for beginners, intermediates, and advanced fishkeepers alike—and with the breadth and depth of information about the rivers, streams, estuaries, lakes, ponds, and pools from which many of the most popular aquarium fishes and plants originate—anyone with an interest in the natural world will find something to intrigue, surprise, or educate them within its pages.