Spring 2023 Studies
My Encounter with Jesus by Chad Keck (6 sessions)
Consider six individuals in the Gospel of John who came face-to-face with Jesus and had a life-changing encounter.
Dealing with Temptation by Juan Sanchez (6 sessions)
Study the source of our temptations, the ways we are tempted, and how we can be victorious over temptation.
Avoiding a Critical Spirit by Dan Hyun (special focus session)
Get principles for guarding our hearts against criticizing others by looking at an incident in the life of Miriam in Numbers 12.
Bible Studies for Life: The Herschel Hobbs Commentary - eBook is an in-depth and trusted commentary that can be used with any of the adult and student Bible Studies for Life resources. It is KJV-based but interacts with all major, modern English translations.
Purchase one for each leader and group participant.
Bible Studies for Life is designed to help adult groups make disciples through comprehensive, in-depth Bible study. Each year, this series addresses the eight spiritual markers found in maturing believers to ensure that participants are getting a balanced approach to discipleship.