Have You Seen The New Forest Unicorn? - Carole Smith & Alexandra Wilson

Have You Seen The New Forest Unicorn?

By Carole Smith & Alexandra Wilson

  • Release Date: 2023-07-05
  • Genre: Animal Fiction for Kids


Have you seen the New Forest unicorn?
You may be lucky enough to see the unicorn the next time you’re in the forest! It may be hiding behind the Gorse by the Stone Water Trough at Wootton. 
Maybe Willow was right... it may go to Setley Pond for a drink! 
It could even be visiting the Trolls that live under Wootton Bridge. 
Perhaps the unicorn did visit Hincheslea, and saw the Hot Air Balloon? 
And on a walk at Wilverley Plain or Longslade, you may be lucky enough to see the New Forest ponies grazing or playing: Drummer, Merlin, Peewee, Riley, Willow and Juliet. 
If you go to the Deer Sanctuary at Bolderwood or to Pipers Wait you may even see the Monarch himself!
But on a dark clear night if you look up, the Unicorn may appear among the stars in the sky over The New Forest. 
Drummer, Merlin, Peewee, Riley, Willow and Juliet will keep looking, will you join them? 
The New Forest Ponies all roam free and wild within The New Forest, if you visit, please remember to look and to admire them, but never ever touch or feed them.