Persuasive Presentations - Dianna Booher

Persuasive Presentations

By Dianna Booher

  • Release Date: 2008-01-01
  • Genre: Business & Personal Finance


Have you ever felt that your clients have invited you in to give a presentation just so they can “check a box”?

That is, their contracting process involves narrowing their vendor choices to the “Top Five,” but they’ve already made up their mind about the winning bidder?

Have you ever felt as though you’re “talking to a wall” when you ask your boss to make a special exception or grant you a favor?

Do your kids react to your advice as if your words have “gone in one ear and out the other?”

You’ll eventually be called on to make presentations in everyday life at work or in your community—no matter what your job: A management presentation such as a feasibility study. Requests for budget or salary increases. More time to meet a client deadline. More volunteers to support your favorite cause or charity.

If you need to know how to be more persuasive whether writing, talking, selling, or parenting, this book can help. You’ll discover 38 persuasion techniques and tips to help you focus on the finer points of sales presentations, marketing campaigns, or coaching your kids.

Specifically, you'll learn how to persuade by making the right decisions about these things:
•How to get the get the right people in the room
•When to stand or sit to best accomplish your purpose
•When to tell a success story or a failure story to influence a buyer
•When to use data—and when not
•How to ask for commitments along the way
•When to use precise numbers and when to round them off
•How to identify the best visual support for your message
•How to grab the group’s attention in a tasteful manner.
•Match your delivery style to content emphasis.
•Involve your audience and deflect distractions.

No matter how much sales training programs you’ve attended, these tips––and so many more––will improve your presentation skills, your writing skills, and your conversational skills.
In short, you’ll learn to bring your listeners or readers to a ""yes"" decision!

Much of your success in business and personal relationships comes from your ability to communicate your ideas or information persuasively.

Whether you must change hearts or minds of your group, speaking persuasively to “make your case” takes you to a successful outcome.

How to persuade is a critical skill for every leader in today’s workplace. These persuasion techniques include strategies and tips to help you improve both your substance and style as a business presenter and professional communicator.

Consultant and award-winning author of 49 books (published by Simon and Schuster/Pocket Books, Random House, McGraw-Hill, Wiley, Warner, and Thomas Nelson), Dianna Booher provides you with the persuasion techniques that she and her team teach to their Fortune 500 clients.