Undignified - Deanna Lorea


By Deanna Lorea

  • Release Date: 2024-05-16
  • Genre: Christianity
Score: 4.5
From 9 Ratings


Deanna Lorea, author of Unraveled, offers readers more God-inspired guidance in the second spiritual work of The Undoing series, Undignified. What does it mean to be undignified? To be undignified is to be fully foolish and undone. It is the antithesis of appearing composed, well-learned, and societally correct. When our culture suggests we tidy up before absorbing all God is, Undignified invites the mess, the chaos, and the crazy; it welcomes the dark, the dingy, and the dysfunction. As Deanna gives readers a front row seat into her intimate moments with the Lord, Undignified provides readers with a peaceful place to truly know God—whose love often seems too good to be true—without the pressure of performance or perfection. In observation and rest, Undignified is where we dare utter the words we’ve never even spoken aloud in a room alone. Here is the place of true transformation. Undignified is for anyone navigating a relationship with the Lord. It’s for the reader who knows there’s more but doesn’t know what more looks like. Enter these gentle pages to discover a resting ground, and experience the undeniable clarity and peace in understanding everything Father has done simply to be with you. Revel in the daring beaty and innocence of a relationship with God. In this new, uncharted territory, readers will marvel as the scales, protective layers, and years of trauma begin to loosen and fall away. With all trust in God, there is no room for doubt. About the Author Deanna Lorea is a speaker and author whose global mission is to be a bridge to true peace as people grow in their relationships with God. Sharing her intimate conversations with the Lord and teaching about her personal ‘undoing’, Deanna has inspired thousands of readers and millions of listeners online. She advocates for total—and at times brutal—honesty with the Lord and promises that nothing is too dark for Him. Deanna gives all credit to the Lord for bringing her this far and continues to remain undone and undignified before Father; she pours everything He has given to her back into the world. Every time I’ve placed boundaries on Him, I limit getting to see all that He is and, in return, all that I am. Everything I speak and write about, God had to unravel in me and walk me through. It’s been heart wrenching, and some days I felt I was drowning, but He was never who I expected He’d be—He was always better than I could ever have imagined.