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  • Politics in Saddlestring

    By Pulmodoc05
    Love the Joe Picket stories, but I fear that C. J. Box may be a Trumper based on some of the undertones in this narrative. Joe Picket himself, in his “Dudley Do Right” mode, would hopefully stay out of the MAGA trap, especially after the recent Oval Office ambush of Zelenskyy! Nate, on the other hand, is such a loose cannon that I can’t be sure about him. I have to keep the faith that Sheridan, Marybeth, and Wyoming’s crazy Governor Rulon will inject enough ambiguity in C. J. Box’s writing for me to continue enjoying the stories without becoming depressed by underlying right wing (read “fascist”) politics.
  • Battle Mountain

    By birs's eye
    I preordered and couldn’t wait for it to come out, but am left empty and sad at Box’s characters which were little more than comic book sticks. If he wants history/ ok but story had way too many themes, shifting heroes and too many trees and scat.
  • Quick read!

    By ladevineii
    Very enjoyable book. I could not put it down! There is a predictable outcome, but still very enjoyable!!
  • Battle Mountain

    By $$21$$
    Excellent book. I’m sad I finished it in one day. Can’t wait for the next one.