The Best Book On Harvard College Admissions - Robert Wheeler

The Best Book On Harvard College Admissions

By Robert Wheeler

  • Release Date: 2012-03-15
  • Genre: Health, Mind & Body


Harvard College is one of the most sought-after higher education facilities in the nation, with an admissions rate of only 5%. If you're a high school student or parent scoping out colleges, learn insider information about Harvard and discover how to give yourself the best chance for admission to one of the top Ivy League schools in the nation.

Learn which extracurriculars, test scores, and essay formats impress Harvard admissions officers most.

Learn how Harvard's extensive financial aid package can help anyone admitted to afford a Harvard education.

In this eBook, Robert Wheeler shares the tips and tricks that gained him admission into Harvard<, graduate on time, and go on to complete a postgraduate degree at Harvard Business School.