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  • Why do I keep reading these?

    By Jgodpstr1
    Every time I pick up a goodkind book I ask myself why I keep reading them? He tells a good story , but it's sooooo bogged down in unnecessary and repetitive philosophical blather that a good third of the book is almost unreadable. It's what would have happened if any rand wrote fantasy. But for some reason I'll finish this one, and probably red the next.
  • Totally Perfect!

    By JB Cristiano
    Best Book!
  • Great book

    By seachicks
    This book is great,can't wait till next one!!! Loved it!!
  • So Sad.

    By stanlee0013
    I would leave less than 1 star if I could. This appears to be the first author I have ever read that just gets worse. I think the blame is with the editors. They should never have approved this book. The characters are completely one dimensional and the redundancy is maddening. I have been reading this series since the first one came out over a decade ago. The first two book are the best books I have ever read with great characters. This is a sad attempt to stay relevant and get money. I will finish the series (again), but only because I have already invested so much time and energy into it. Tor and Goodkind should be ashamed.
  • Meh

    By RB5Turbo
    I have to agree with most of the hard reviews below. Having skipped through far to many pages I feel frustrated and over charged. Super concept and amazing characters let down by long winded, repeated preaching. Sorry Terry please please focus on the story!
  • B+ 89%

    By Agabaegnazrael
    I should state right away that my review is bias in favor of the series. However, as a loyal reader, I do need to state the truth as I see it regardless of bias. The redundancy of the repeating of the redundantly repeating redundant way of conversing are bearable. The issue I have is that when Terry goes into his 'philosophical explanation mode' which a lot of characters seem to do, it ultimately sounds like the same person. Idk, perhaps he should take a few acting classes or something to help separate characters and to gain them a bit more diversity and depth. I'm rather unimpressed with the Shun-Tuk. If the hoard of the Old World couldn't breach the People's Palace with it's siege, then how are these simplistic rag-tag unarmed savages going to storm the castle. Undead catacombs from within? The only way is for the author to manifest a weak D'Haran defense and take these elite warriors in their capitol city off guard. Unlikely. I hope it's palatable, because I'm having a hard time fearing these savages. Nicci can cast subtractive lightning and Zed wizard's fire. It was never explained why they couldn't get their gift to work initially. Perhaps a temporary complication from healing those with the touch of death? How should I know? I'm forced to speculate. If you're going to take down battle hardened main characters I expect a little more insight and perhaps a better enemy. All that was needed to add was an occult gifted half person blocking Zed and Nicci somehow. What kept those two from using their gift under capture? I feel guilty now because I enjoy every scrap from these series and I don't like to complain or point faults. It's much better than my non-existent series. Richard and I actually think a lot alike and we have very similar characteristics. I am grateful for this series and it was an enjoyable read. I have a unique ability to overlook perceived flaws and focus on the rest.
  • Bad

    By Jordan Tata
    Poor effort.
  • The Third Kingdom

    By Caseyker1
    I've been reading Terry Goodkinds books for the last ten years or so. My only problem is waiting for him to finish the next installment. The Third Kingdom again has ended too soon, and left me hungering for the next book! I can't recommend this book highly enough. The entire story of The Sword of Truth is engrossing, and well worth your taking the time to read the saga from the very beginning. Thank you Mr Goodkind for this great story, and please... HURRY UP WITH THE NEXT BOOK!
  • Ish

    By Casino807
    Great book can't wait for the sequel
  • What the

    By Ron4097
    I've read the whole series three times over the years and loved all of them each time, this book for the first 2/3rd was a drag and hard to get through but then it got great until the end what the!!!!!!!!! How could he leave us hanging like that? How many years are we going to have to wait to continue the story? Come on Terry WRITE AND WRITE STAY UP LATE AND WRITE.