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  • Terrifying, but Great

    By BigAppleGreg
    Of course some folks will think this is biased. Regardless, listen to the things #45 says - he’s basic and very poorly spoken. You think as #47 he’ll advocate for American bravado, but he’s already backtracking on immigration, citing H-1B visas. He’ll break promises as all politicians do. He will not carry the poor, nor will he do anything about ‘groceries’ (who uses that word?). You all have fallen for this stupidity and it’ll take H-1B visa talent to turn it around. Good luck.
  • War

    By Bibi Cakes1
    Well written, but missing a few things
  • Peter

    A biased defense of Bidens foreign policy which does not contain facts contradicting its favorable perspective.
  • Excellent read!

    By Kunal Dhodapkar
    Bob Woodward covers inside conversations extensively that offer deep insight into what goes on behind the scenes in international diplomacy. Truly enjoyed reading this book. Highly recommend.
  • Spectacular

    By 808tres
    Amazing book. Learned so much! Must read.
  • Trash

    By Michael102481
    Trash book typical liberal spin
  • Page turner through and through

    By Erock110
    Exciting! Less a bashing of Trump (which is what I thought it would be) and more an explanation of the behind the scenes decision making regarding basically the wars in both Ukraine and Gaza, as well as Biden’s decision to drop out of the presidential race.
  • WAR

    By Kristy Brimmer
    Fantastic book! Very detailed and confirmed many things that I suspected.
  • Brilliant insight into the back room discussions

    By itlphoenix
    Too, many insights to name them all. The big takeaway is the teamwork of Biden’s staff. After reading about the incredible efforts of Biden and his team to bring aid to Gaza, it is painful to watch the criticism and people boycotting votes over their perception that Biden cares little for the Palestinian people. Biden obviously didn’t solve many issues but I come away from this book understanding how much worse it could have been under the wrong stewardship.
  • Missing pages…

    By Shamus the leprechaun
    don’t buy from Apple