One Naughty Girl Bundle - Alexx Andria

One Naughty Girl Bundle

By Alexx Andria

  • Release Date: 2013-06-19
  • Genre: Erotica


Landry James is a bored housewife with an unusual gift and an insatiable appetite for sex but after a club experience goes horribly wrong, she vows to clean up her act — until a government official shows up to offer her a job for her specialized skill set. Before she knows it, she’s a housewife by day and a secret sex spy for Alliance by night. Not a bad gig for a nympho and the pay is fabulous but Landry soon discovers — too late — that some games are just too dangerous to play.
Alexx Andria has bundled her best-selling One Naughty Girl series for one-stop shopping as well as added new details!