More than Dust - Eunice Wilkie

More than Dust

By Eunice Wilkie

  • Release Date: 2024-08-29
  • Genre: Religious Fiction


Excitement is growing in Heaven as the angels watch their Creator speak into being a spectacular new planet. Great is its wealth and intricate its design. Which angel will be granted the honour of governing it? Then, on the sixth day of creation, the angels watch in awe as man is formed: a being higher than them all; one who can even claim the friendship of Almighty God.

In the Courts of Heaven, Kal is an emissary who travels on Heaven's business; Tobiah is a master scribe who catalogues God's creations; Ari is a captain who defends God's interests. These three angelic friends are involved in events in Heaven and on Earth as God's plan for humankind unfolds.

This is Heaven's story about Earth; the story of creation from the angels' point of view. It explores the Bible's account of the origin of mankind and our place in the universe.