Planet of the Damned – Roy Barch is captured and taken off of Earth to serve as a slave laborer on a prison planet. Barch is going to do everything he can to get back to Earth, one way or another. Roy Barch was both attracted and repulsed by the alien Komeitk Lelianr. It was her golden skin that fascinated him. It was her alien arrogance that repulsed him. Barch was going to go on a date with her, show her around San Francisco, introduce her to jazz, who knows, maybe even get lucky. The date went wrong from the beginning and finally Barch and Komeitk Lelianr headed back to her family’s compound high on Mount Whitney. Arriving back they found her whole family, plus several guests and servants all slaughtered. The two were then kidnapped and taken to a slave labor planet by the Klau. While Barch has a burning desire to escape and return to Earth, Komeitk Lelianr has only resignation to the fate of lifelong slavery. Barch had only this to offer to these slaves on the prison world: Blood, Sweat, Fears—and Freedom! Planet of the Damned was published in Space Stories in the December, 1952 issue. It is a 27 chapter novel. Jack Vance (1916–2013) began writing mystery, fantasy, and science fiction in the late 1940s. His early writings were published in various of the pulp magazines of the time. Vance was the recipient of several Hugo and Nebula awards.