OVER FOUR MILLION COPIES SOLD • A meaningful Lenten resource from Saint Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei, full of timeless reflections that point the way to a life that is infused with faith.
The inspiration for Hallow’s 2025 Lent Pray40 Community Prayer Challenge
The Christian’s life in this world is a journey in search of the love of Christ. St. Josemaría’s book is an open invitation to set out on that journey, and its final stage speaks to us of the love that comes, as a result of seeking and finding Christ, as the fulfillment of that arduous journey, a love that, in fact, was there all along, seeking us out.—Bishop Javier Echevarría, from theintroduction
Reflecting Saint Josemaría Escrivá’s conviction that God can be found in the everyday, The Way blends passages from sacred Scripture with anecdotes drawn from Escrivá’s life and work, snatches of conversation, and selections from his personal letters. These short, poignant meditations, totaling 999 “points,” together form a guide to a better life and “a more worthy soul.” The Way beautifully conveys Escrivá’s belief that the human is not foreign to the divine, and that the fully Christian spiritual attitude can be described as unity of life.