Aunty Acid's Getting Older - Ged Backland

Aunty Acid's Getting Older

By Ged Backland

  • Release Date: 2013-09-18
  • Genre: Humor


Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and laxative on the same night.

Aunty Acid is the sassy senior created to give “the crazy old lady in all of us” a voice that can be heard from ten blocks away. With her long-suffering husband Walt, Aunty Acid tells it like it is and has her own unique opinions on everything.

Her fanbase is growing by over 1,000 a day as word on her wit and sassy sayings spreads across the internet where she reaches over 3 million people each week.

Aunty Acid is created by Ged Backland and is brought to life by the team at the Backland Studio in Bradford, West Yorkshire, in Northern England. Their other properties include the widely successful Scarlett & Crimson series.