Throughout the Scriptures, we find this phrase over and over again, “And the Spirit of the Lord God came upon Him”. Well, this book is about the anointing of God. I want by the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit to show you what the Spirit of the Lord God really is and what Him coming upon you means. So many people confuse the anointing with talent or the anointing with the way a preacher preaches a sermon and it is not really the Spirit of God but rather just some kind of mental ascent that they’ve given to it. Listen, when God anoints something, it is drenched in His presence. It is manifestly all about Jesus and not about a man or something else. This book was written that you might know that the Spirit of the Lord God is upon you! Yes you! Because He has anointed you! If God is going to anoint anybody, He needs to anoint you and me for all the people whom we touch and have influence in our lives. As you read this book, you will understand Biblically that the anointing comes through great suffering, great travail, great stripping, a great foundation, and a great humbling. By the time you finish this book, I promise you will know what the anointing of God means and then it is up to you to pay the price and so that it can be said of you, “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me...” To this end was this book written.