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    By Stefan - SF
    I put a lot of my personal identity in what I call my "triple threat." Which includes my Job, House, & Girlfriend. When I first heard Dave talk about identity 2 years ago I didn't have a job, house or girlfriend. Today I am always trying to obtain my triple threat, but the book helped remind me that my identity is not tied to these 3 things.
  • Fantastic work on the importance of our identity.

    By ryansmtty
    A work that looks to dive into one the greatest questions we'll ever ask ourselves. "Who am I?" Cannot recommend enough.
  • Trusting God to Undress Me

    By samcin
    The best way to sum up how this book ministered to me is this: "Trust God to undress me." One of the most difficult yet beautiful actions I can allow God to do. The poignant real life examples, the hilarious yet powerful one liners and the gift of the Holy Spirit working deep conviction in my heart brought me closer to who I am in Christ and how My Lord sees me everyday, Holy just Holy.