It's hard to say.....
By Guywholovesscotland
But I've become increasingly bored reading these last few novels. Confessor was at least interesting but these Dark Lands books are becoming a chore to read. This is all very hard to say since I'm a huge fan of Terry Goodkind but he consistently repeats himself with the same babble. The characters seem to shift between larger than life people to be petty teenagers fighting over who's the king on the school yard.
The SOT series inspired me to be a better person but these Dark Lands novels almost make me think he is prolonging the story to make a bit more money and draw the story out a bit more.
This makes me very sad to say any of this. Period.
Always a Fan
By Sara Anne L.
This book was action packed and there seemed to be a lot of running away for most of it. Loved all the characters, and was especially heartbroken at the end. I will always be a fan of Terry Goodkind, but I have to say that his first series was amazing and his new books definitely fall short of his earlier writing style.
Slow start
By Mhedrick
Most of the initial chapters are repetitive. Almost as if the author had a page quota to fill but only so much of the storyline with which to fill the pages. The last third of the book is where the real story begins. Quite a cliffhanger, but without that I might have decided to stop reading the series. I have to say, it really pales in comparison to the first SOT series.
Not bad
By Michael Huntington
I enjoyed it especially the end but I've noticed in your last 3-4 books you end up spending about 15chapters explaining the same thing over and over. I know in SOT you only had that at the beginning of the books as refresher which is fine but it was short and coinciet were in this I was hundreds of pages in and they were still being ambushed on the middle of a conversation and then they explained that same conversation another 10-20 times at every opportunity instead of a simple "so then I told red why it is important that we need to make haste". Not saying repetition is bad but it is when it's repeated dozens of times that could have been used to character build or develop more aspects of the story or even more combat and action.
I cried
By KessFam
I cried so much. It was sad and amazing. My daughter had reread the last few chapters a hundred times looking for loopholes.
Amazing, as usual.
By Andikins15
I started this trip backwards. I watched the show first and then discovered the books. Both are amazing. I have yet to read a Goodkind book that doesn't bring me to tears, or give me anxiety, or bring pure joy. You can't help but get sucked into the incredible world Mr. Goodkind has created, and along the way you fall in love with Richard and Kahlan. I don't think anyone could be satisfied with an ending to their breathtaking story. Please let there be more!
Please tell me there's more!
By jepoll00
One of the best one's yet.
So good
By Jwhag03
This book hard me in tears. Great read!
Severed Souls
By Jct2626
Like all of Goodkind's books, this one leaves you with a mix of inspiration and desperation. That folks can show such evil and malice brings you to points of hurt and confusion. But it definitely sets in words concepts of virtue that ignite a wish for in reality.
I cried
By leendertZA
Please dear God, don't let the developments of this book be true. Cliffhanger upon cliffhanger, but the ending cannot be. It simply cannot be.