Assertiveness is a zone on the spectrum of human behaviour that lies between Passivity and Aggression. This book shows you how to find that zone, that sweet-spot; not always an easy thing to do.
Being Assertive is fundamentally about rights; yours and those of others and finding a balance between them. An aggressive person violates the rights of others, while the passive person violates their own. The assertive person finds a win-win way to balance these sometimes competing interests.
Learning to live in the zone of assertiveness has many benefits; your self-esteem will improve, the quality of your relationships with others will improve and deepen.
Being aggressive, like using verbal or physical threats, may get people what they want in the short term, but their relationships will inevitably suffer.
Being passive is also destructive of relationships and long-term happiness because your own needs are being ignored for the sake of getting along with others.
Being assertive is where the sweet spot is. Here, your needs, wants and feelings are likely to be understood, you don’t hurt people unintentionally, everyone feels respected, if not understood, your relationships become stronger, you have fewer arguments, feel more in control of your life and you generally feel better about yourself. These are just some of the benefits.