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  • Wow! Truly stands on its own.

    By Gufjfjjudth
    Totally wraps up the series. Great read. On par easily with first two books.
  • Thoughtless dribble

    By Jespoir
    This book is full of thoughtless dribble appropriate for primetime network television. The dialogue is cliche, as if it were written for a blockbuster movie. There’s nothing thought provoking or clever about the action. Clearly, comparing to Card’s previous solo books, this book is 99% written by Aaron Johnson. The first two books in this series had obvious Card influence, but this book has almost none. The philosophical diatribes fans are so used to are missing from this book in every way. It’s very difficult to read through if you are a classic Card fan. Shame on you Orson for allowing your name on this cover! Keep trying Aaron...
  • Earth Awakens

    By AHarty24
    I have always loved Orson Scott Cards books. He is an inspiration to me as a 13 year old to write books. My friends and I enjoy reading his books so much that we quiz each other on certain parts of it. Some people make fun of us for reading, but you know what, we don't care. There is nothing like reading the greatest novelist's of the 21st century's new book. He is someone people should inspire to be not the athletes and celebrities. I have enjoyed the Ender's Game series, the Ender's Shadow series, and now my new favorite out of the 3 the wars of the buggers, or whatever the series name is. I know I sound like an adult, but that is only because I am very well read. I have read close to 75 books in the past 3 years for fun and this book obviously reaches my top 3. In fact it's my favorite. Dear Mr. Card, If you ever read this I am your biggest fan of the series' I have mentioned. You are a person I want to be when I grow up.
  • Action packed...

    By 8bitme!
    Great ending to the first Formic wars..
  • Another Dose of the Good Stuff

    By CAPT Chop
    A very satisfying fix to my jones for OSC prose. Card and Johnston continue to be the SciFi Dream Team, and this book continues the story in this prequel series with excitement jumping up to the next quantum level! The action and the passion keep coming in waves, and I lost too much sleep reading "just a page or two more" into the wee hours. Ends like all their stuff -- me wanting more.