Looks like you'd like to learn Spanish? Well, let's make this an enjoyable process for you with a light-hearted approach to some serious material.
This book is a collaboration of La Escuela Del Sol, a Spanish, surf, yoga, fire dance and Scuba certification school in Montezuma, Costa Rica. In our 7 years of teaching Spanish, we have reworked and refocused our teaching materials to get the best out of our students and the result includes this book, part 1 of a 4 part series.
Here you'll find a series of lessons, reinforced with illustrations, some audio, some video and lots of real world examples. We put the ball in your court with various exercises to keep you sharp. Progress tests will let you know how well you're doing and whether you should repeat a lesson here or there.
By the end of this book, you should be able to understand the basic grammatical structures of the Spanish language, how to greet people, count and conjugate verbs among many other things. And when you have it down pat, we'll get you going with books 2-4 to complete your studies on the way to fluency.
And, of course, at any point, we encourage you to come visit us to practice what you've learned in beautiful Costa Rica; where the monkeys are howling, the waves are crashing and the people are smiling.
Pura vida!!