Has the imperium been lost?
By Ogrebond
I agree with all the other comments. I have been reading gw since the 90. When ebooks came around I went into terminal overdrive. As all the books of in each series became so accessible. But the price increases are turning me away finally. With the price of $24 for a book of 450 pages or on some $8 for a mere 100 or less at times. I will be leaving 40k behind me. It makes me sad that ruinous powers finally prevailed
Alienate your loyal followers GW
By Nomadoftheplanes
Shame on you. The codex does not support this greed. Dark Elder treat their "friends" better then GW,
Gouge much??
By icyjoe
$23.00 for this? Games Workshop has lost their minds.
Nuts to BL!
By Batory0022
Ditto to all the other comments. Been loyal fan for many a year, but the BL pricing is just nuts. The constant price increases the last two years is driving me away....from $7.99 to $23.99...I'm done...no more...
Too expensive
By Dominator2182
The first two books were amazing.......the price tag on this one is not. At these prices it's much more beneficial to find a different vendor.
By Jcinaz
I finished the first two books, looked for the third. $23??? Way to much to ask for. I think I will look on the blackmarket for a copy. Shame, I would like to support the author.
Outrageous Price
By Handoverfist
I've enjoyed all of Graham's books. I had to buy the last book of his Mars Trilogy. I will stop buying any more of WH books at these prices. Are you trying to kill off your loyal readers support? What the hell is wrong with you.
Sweet jesus...
By waywardsage
I really enjoyed the first two books and couldn’t wait to get the next one! When I look it up it’s risen to $23.99 for an ebook?!!! Are they insane?! Black library has gone nuts with theiri inconsistant releasing schedule, news and prices. Whoever is running the company should be terminated ASAP.
Too much
By Brad Retsil
The first two books of the series were excellent, however, Games Workshop has decided to make their books as expensive as their other products. I guess I'll be looking for a new publisher. I've been reading GW's stuff since the mid 90's. Breaking up is hard to do.