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  • Has the imperium been lost?

    By Ogrebond
    I agree with all the other comments. I have been reading gw since the 90. When ebooks came around I went into terminal overdrive. As all the books of in each series became so accessible. But the price increases are turning me away finally. With the price of $24 for a book of 450 pages or on some $8 for a mere 100 or less at times. I will be leaving 40k behind me. It makes me sad that ruinous powers finally prevailed
  • Alienate your loyal followers GW

    By Nomadoftheplanes
    Shame on you. The codex does not support this greed. Dark Elder treat their "friends" better then GW,
  • Gouge much??

    By icyjoe
    $23.00 for this? Games Workshop has lost their minds.
  • Nuts to BL!

    By Batory0022
    Ditto to all the other comments. Been loyal fan for many a year, but the BL pricing is just nuts. The constant price increases the last two years is driving me away....from $7.99 to $23.99...I'm done...no more...
  • Too expensive

    By Dominator2182
    The first two books were amazing.......the price tag on this one is not. At these prices it's much more beneficial to find a different vendor.
  • Gouging!

    By Jcinaz
    I finished the first two books, looked for the third. $23??? Way to much to ask for. I think I will look on the blackmarket for a copy. Shame, I would like to support the author.
  • Outrageous Price

    By Handoverfist
    I've enjoyed all of Graham's books. I had to buy the last book of his Mars Trilogy. I will stop buying any more of WH books at these prices. Are you trying to kill off your loyal readers support? What the hell is wrong with you.
  • Sweet jesus...

    By waywardsage
    I really enjoyed the first two books and couldn’t wait to get the next one! When I look it up it’s risen to $23.99 for an ebook?!!! Are they insane?! Black library has gone nuts with theiri inconsistant releasing schedule, news and prices. Whoever is running the company should be terminated ASAP.
  • Too much

    By Brad Retsil
    The first two books of the series were excellent, however, Games Workshop has decided to make their books as expensive as their other products. I guess I'll be looking for a new publisher. I've been reading GW's stuff since the mid 90's. Breaking up is hard to do.