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  • Debbie MaComber is brilliant

    By AR Rose
    Love this series of books on Cedar Cove. Keep them coming.
  • I

    By Thebeastestofallbeasts
  • Silver Linings

    By elephant mama
    Characters realistic with deep emotions Like the title, full of promises
  • Debbie McComber

    By Fred from Seattle
    Liked the Mark part best. Cedar Cove was a fine place. I lived in Seattle for 12 years and recognized all the places mentioned. Fred Ribe
  • Silver Linings

    By Decor Challenged
    Silver Linings was a good read. The characters are believable and the story moves along at a good pace. When the book ended I was taken by surprise.
  • beautiful story

    By momof3boysj
    I thoroughly enjoyed this book from the Rose Harbor series. It's as comforting as a cup of tea. Facing the past, making plans for the future, and living for now are all obstacles many of the characters must face. Each deals in her own way, and there is grace for those who make peace. I recommend this book!
  • Not quite convinced

    By thegooseisloose4
    The characters seem a bit unrealistic (I'm the same age as two of the women, and I'm not buying it). Also, Mark is moving because of unrequited love? Yeah, I don't think so. I really wanted to like this book. I definitely have a soft spot for the inn keeper ideal, and I was looking for an uplifting book... But this just isn't it.
  • Just OK

    By Sggypsy
    I generally love Debbie Macomber books and they are my go to for uplifting reads. This one is ok with a love lost/gained theme that many of us can identify with in the characters. I found the character development and their actions to be a bit unbelievable and rushed. Same happy ending except for what is to come with Mark but somehow lacking in depth.
  • Disappointing

    By miss sis ippi
    Normally love Debbie Macomber's books, but this one read like a young adult storybook. It Certainly wasn't up to her usual writing and I even skipped through a lot of parts due to boredom. Sorry I purchased it.
  • Silver linings

    By Leanne Angela
    Excellent book, oh what a great story teller Debbie Macomber is!!! She develops each character like they are an old friend!!! Cannot wait for the next one!