Israel-Palestine: who's the Victim? - Shahbaz Fazal

Israel-Palestine: who's the Victim?

By Shahbaz Fazal

  • Release Date: 2015-01-18
  • Genre: Middle Eastern History
Score: 3.5
From 27 Ratings


Israel and Palestine are often in the news, but seldom does the mainstream media explain the essential issues of this long running conflict. This short book does just that. It covers the main events and conflicts from 2008 to the end of 2014, and most importantly, it explains the underlying issues that have been driving this conflict since 1948, (with their origins in 1917).

Palestinian people say they are occupied and oppressed by Israel, which is supported by powerful Western interests, especially the USA. As a result, they are being denied their rightful claim to self determination and nationhood status.

Israeli leaders on the other hand, claim they represent the only democracy in the Middle East, which is surrounded by hostile Arab nations, who all want to annihilate their nation. Therefore, they argue: Israel, is the victim.

Western mainstream media claims to be neutral, but mostly tells the Israeli leaders’ story. This book tells you, what the media doesn’t – the seldom heard point of view. It doesn’t claim to be neutral, (though based on real data), but takes a clear stand on the side of the Palestinian victims.


  • Very informative

    By Donald.Trump..
    Great collection of facts to help understand apartheid and colonialism in the context of the holocaust.
  • very informative

    By clydia420
    if you read this book and remain pro israel there is no hope for you.
  • Of the dumber books I’ve read......

    By sam 164
    Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 to help the Palestinians form a state, they promptly elected a terrorist organization to power that has become so firmly entrenched that they whom in all likelihood regret it, now have to deal with the consequences. In the last 15 years the general rule of thumb for Israel has been stop shooting at us and we won’t bother you, don’t shoot rockets at our civilian population and you won’t need to dig tunnels to import weapons, and then claim you need tunnels for supplies, the blockade on Gaza was created specifically for the sake of preventing arms from reaching the terror groups. To quote Abba Eban “the Palestinian people never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity “ they have been offered every possible compromise but instead, since they appoint selfish leaders who pocket the foreign aid money they reject any deal offered to them. The Palestinians need to learn that the only way they will ever have a state is if they are ready to change their leadership, agree to defensible borders for Israel and give up on bringing weapons in to their territories.