Naked Greed - Stuart Woods

Naked Greed

By Stuart Woods

  • Release Date: 2015-07-14
  • Genre: Action & Adventure
Score: 4
From 501 Ratings


Stone Barrington gets involved in some dangerous business in this outstanding thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Stuart Woods.
Stone Barrington isn’t one to turn away in the face of danger, so when he witnesses a tricky situation, he jumps in to lend a hand. He never expected his involvement would lead to a mutually beneficial business deal with a prominent gentleman who requires the ever-discreet services of Woodman & Weld. But in the ruthless corporate world no good deed goes unpunished, and Stone soon finds himself the target of a ragtag group of criminal toughs who don’t appreciate his interference in their dealings. From the isolated landscape of Maine to the white sand beaches of Key West, the trail of deception, theft, and murder will lead to a perilous confrontation.


  • Bring in the closer

    By Jocks16
    I enjoy tagging along with Stone and Dino. I just wish one of the last several Woods books had a great ending. Perhaps Woods should re-read Chiefs and some of the earlier books before tackling the next one. I don't want Woods to stop writing, I just don't want to be let down at the end of a book again.
  • Always worth the read

    By Ohyeahfun
    As always Stone & Dino get the bad guys. Stuart Woods once again put together a great piece of writing !
  • Woods has lost it. Let's protest

    By Producer11
    The stories are getting weaker. The smirky dialogue is getting more and more predictable. Woods is now into making formula stuff and has less and less development of his characters. Let's protest by not preordering the next book be fobs off on us and waiting to see if he's back in the saddle with a real old time Stone novel or not. He owes his readers more than he's churning out.
  • Boring

    By Rickyjbs
    I just wasted several hours of my life that I can't get back.
  • Naked Greed

    By Jstaff315
    I have watched the quality of Woods writing erode with every new novel. He continues to repeat historically insignificant details to fill up the page. The only thing different in Naked Greed it that he forgot to write an ending. I can only suppose that he is hoping you will buy the ending in his next book. Note to Woods; if this is the best you can do perhaps the time has come to quit with some sense of dignity. As for me I can't believe I paid $14.00 for this book. I'd asked for it back if I could.
  • A regular stone barrington read

    By Jimmydaplayer
    It is painful to buy a book and read about characters you feel like you know, but the book ends in the middle of the story! Money, great sex by all, gun shots, new characters and the book ends as if you are watching a 30 minute TV show. We deserve more for our money!
  • I'm hooked!

    By JorgiGirl
    I'm a dyed in the wool 'escape reader' and Stuart Woods' Stone Barrington series fills the bill. The only thing I don't care for is Barrington's chronic philandering. The stories are well written and intriguing. I anxiously await the next one!!
  • Naked Greed

    By EMuench
    Stuart seems to be running out of ideas. Vague characters and really weak ending.
  • Cliff Hanger

    By Annie My
    Suspence ending leaves you hanging until sequel comes out. Sorry I purchased it, should have waited and borrowed from library.
  • Naked Greed

    By TCB with Schilling
    Those of us who enjoy Stuart Woods Books are typically thrilled when the next new one hits the stand. In fact I have preordered his next three. In that vein Naked Greed does not disappoint. Woods primary character, Stone Barrington, is back in a wonderful new mystery and up to his old tricks....meeting and becoming of counsel to the rich and beautiful, romancing the latter, and brushing with death in the process. I forced myself to ration this book out over a week so that I would not consume it in its entirety the day I downloaded it, and enjoyed every night. My only regret is that I will have to wait sometime before I can so thoroughly enjoy another mystery as entertaining as this one. HJ Buter