Plays in Two Days - Julian Morgan & Hugh Cooke

Plays in Two Days

By Julian Morgan & Hugh Cooke

  • Release Date: 2015-12-09
  • Genre: Theater


This book describes how to create performances of classic plays in a very short timeframe, making highly innovative use of technology. For this process, the stage, or other acting area, becomes like a television studio, in the sense that actors read lines from autocue systems, enabling a full-scale production to be realised within an incredibly short time. Different approaches are described as the method evolves.

The four plays in the showcase are Oedipus the King, Medea, Antigone and Julius Caesar. The book has an introductory chapter, then one chapter on each of the four plays and finally, a chapter considering practical matters and how to make things work. About 40 photographs/illustrations are included. The book builds on the earlier work of Three tragedies... no tears, by Julian Morgan.

Julian Morgan retired recently from teaching Theatre Studies, Philosophy, Latin and Greek at the European School, Karlsruhe, Germany. He is the author of many books and software titles, including the Imperium Latin Course, Hadrian, Nero, Constantine, Cleopatra, (these last four published by Rosen), Rome the Eternal City and Pompeii, inter alia.

Hugh Cooke retired recently from his post as Head of English at the European School, Karlsruhe, Germany. His publications include Panto for Beginners, Wheels of Anarchy by Max Pemberton, Rugby Football During the Nineteenth Century: A Collection of Contemporary Essays about the Game by Bertram Fletcher Robinson (these last two were co-authored with Paul Spiring).