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  • Emerald Darkness

    By evebabygirl1
    I only have 1 book left in this series l don't want it to end l'll let you know
  • Couldn’t put it down!

    By RoseWink15
    I have grown so attached to Harper Madision Brighton! As soon as I finished the last book I began this one immediately and I could not put it down for anything. What I loved most about this one compared to the others in series thus far is that we now have view points from other key players in the book. I loved how you jump from Harper’s viewpoint to Lea’s to Jackson’s and so on. This strategy kept something I already loved and made it better so that I couldn’t stop. There were also many twists and turns to this point in the story that keep the story progressing forward, and the end took my breath away! I can’t wait to see more of Zara in the next book and also follow the new trials Harper and Jackson face. Also as a side note, I did read "A Demon’s Wrath” which is noted as Shadow Demons Saga Book 6.1 before reading this one. I think that you could technically continue on to Emerald Darkness without this, but it really gives you so much more back story regarding Jackson, Lea, and the Resistance that I think it is a necessary break before continuing on.
  • Loved it!!

    By Scotie1987
    Great series
  • Cost

    By CMK.
    Due to the quality of these books, I wish the author would charge a fair price for each one. I got a few for free, some for .99. I think the most I paid was 2.99 or 3.99? Sarra, if you have another job, please raise the prices on your books so that you can quit. Seriously, we would rather have you stay home and write full-time. I think most of us are willing to pay a little more for your books (4.99 each for full books?) so you are properly supported and can continue to provide us with these addictive escapes from the real world.
  • All

    By Mich8pat69
    Shadow series has been awesome!
  • Love them need more!

    By Devvgg
    I love these books and have read all 8 in the continuing series that came from the Peachville high books into these. Amazing book keeps you on edge, never a dull moment. I'm addicted read them all within a week, can' wait for the 9th book and her website said there will be 3 more after that I'm hoping :)
  • Must Read

    By Wildfire9445
    I Couldn't put the book down. I can't wait for the next!!!
  • Love it

    By Fairy queen3
    Can't wait for the rest
  • Emerald Darkness

    By Hannah2014RIP
    Awesome series and an awesome story! What a cliffhanger ! Can't wait till the next book.
  • Love love

    By Kadence88
    I swear this should be a movie I can't wait for the next book. Sarra Cannon is very talented I just love your work!