Deserter (Wings of Fire: Winglets #3) - Tui T. Sutherland

Deserter (Wings of Fire: Winglets #3)

By Tui T. Sutherland

  • Release Date: 2016-03-29
  • Genre: Fantasy for Kids
Score: 4.5
From 406 Ratings


Fans of the New York Times bestselling Wings of Fire series won't want to miss this all-new story set in the dangerous world of dragons.Six-Claws is a happy and industrious SandWing, always working hard and loyally for his queen. So when the youngest SandWing princess, Blaze, wanders off during a sandstorm, Six-Claws doesn't think twice before trying to rescue her. But it turns out that loyalty isn't always enough to stay safe in the Sand Kingdom...Before the war of SandWing succession, there were three SandWing princesses... and a queen. Discover the New York Times bestselling Wings of Fire series with this ebook exclusive origin story! Author Tui T. Sutherland soars further into the world of Pyrrhia's dragons than ever before! In these brand-new short stories, fans will meet old friends and new ones, uncover shocking secrets, and learn more about the terrible challenges that will test all dragonkind!


  • What the heck Burn?!!!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

    By Twigheart
    WhY dId yOU HavE tO HuRt DuNe?! NoT coOl BrO PuT A 😤😡 iF yoU AgReE -Duskwatcher the Night/ Sandwing hybrid Oceanbreeze of Shadowclan

    By redpandazozo14
    Diggers: none Audience/Cryers: none Dead dude: Dune. Tell me to add anything! I don’t know much about funeral s
  • ❤️💛❤️

    By JupiterTheNightWing
    Blaze + Jewelry = LOVEE anyway i love blaze as a dragonet so funny!! I love this book so much 😭 also I finally figured this out at the end; Ostrich is named after Six-Claws’ mother!!!! Also.. WHY BURNISWHFSLDBEIGE WHY DID YOU HAVE TO HURT DUNE?!?! Dune was amazing 😞may he rest in peace. Jupiter the NightWing💜🖤
  • 5
    By izkitty
    Is it just me or is Wings of Fire reeaaaallllllyyyyy popular or something
  • wut

    By sapphire boy
    THEORY: if dune got really beat up and lost his hind leg, how can we see it fully recovered in book 1 graphic? WHAT IF HE WAS CLONED!!!

    I read the sample and I love it I need this
  • A really short version of the fight with the FallenWings

    By soph of bred
    Hope heard battle cries and he burst into the clearing. Fights were everywhere. He lunged at a dragon and bit into his scaly neck. Two dragons were fighting each other. And he dove into the mix. HawkFang shredded the talons of every FallenWing that tried to hurt him. “THIS IS FOR CLEAR GAZE!” He shrieked, he flew onto a fiery-velvet dragon and bit into their shoulder. BrokenWing bit into the leg of a dragon and it flew off. A bronze dragon dove at him and they started tussling with each other. Hope clawed at both dragons, and they breathed fire. It burned the scales on Hopes body and he fell to the floor. The two dragons stood over him. His fire wounds burned and ached. “If fire fights fire, nobody wins..” he said. He stared up at the sky and he went limp. Hope woke up in a white atmosphere. HawkFang fought against the FallenWing, but it was bigger and stronger. It threw him to the ground, and a fiery shimmer shone in HawkFangs eyes. He tried to claw at the dragon, but he was too tired and weak. His vision blurred and black engulfed him. He then woke up, next to Hope, in a endless white space. BrokenWing’s wings lay tore on the blood soaked grass. His teeth were gritted. His eyes were staring into nothingness. He appeared next to Hope and HawkFang in a white room. Coast walked toward Hope, and they touched noses. They both had a glimmer in their eyes. “I guess I’m dead. This is where it ends..” Hope said. Clear Gaze stepped over to HawkFang. “Clear Gaze! You came! You’re alive! I thought you were dead..!” “I am. You are too.” HawkFangs relief died down into shock and sadness. He nuzzled his loves back, and they stared at each other, love struck. “I’m dead, aren’t I?” BrokenWing as a glittery-blue she dragon flew down to him. “Yes, look at you’re wings.” BrokenWing looked at his shredded wings. Except they were fixed! “I can fly now?!” He gasped. Excitement rushed through his body, even though he had just passed away. “My kids!” “OUR kids,” the she dragon corrected. “Oh, Hale, I love you,” Hale nodded, and smiled at BrokenWing. “You’ll be called FlameWing now. BrokenWing smiled at Hale. FlameWing, Hope, And HawkFang had all died, yet they weee so happy.
  • Here is the LeafWing point of view story!!

    By butiful dragon lover
    This story takes place during the tree wars! Blood/gore/trigger warning ⛔️ A little information about him Name: Weed Gender: male Leafspeak: no Description: large and dark green with brown speckles around the wings. Blue eyes Story: Weed clawed at another HiveWing, anger pulsing through his veins. ‘They are destroying our trees!’ He thought. ‘They all deserve to parish!’ He said stabbing a HiveWing with his spear. He looked at his big sister clawing at a HiveWing with pure rage. He flew beside her helping her with the orange HiveWing. He shredded his wings and let the HiveWing fall too his death. “You didn’t have to help me.” Vine said with a snort. “Well you didn’t have to look pathetic!” Weed shot back. A white eyed HiveWing darted down and tackled Weed. Vine bit the back of the creepy eyed HiveWings neck. Weed twisted claws into the HiveWings stomach the HiveWing roared out in pain. “You LeafWings haven’t seen the last of me!” All the HiveWings said all together. Weed shivered at the hiss in the voice of them. All the mind controlled HiveWings flew back to their camp in retreat. Vine and Weed both looked at each other in confusion. ‘Was this battle so easily won? Or did Wasp have another trick ready to pounce on them. Weed laid down in his hut looking at his sister. “Vine?” He asked. “Are you awake? Only a chirp of a cricket in response. Weed sighs feeling lonely and worried. ‘Why does something feel so off?’ He wondered curling his tail around himself. “Weed?” Said a voice in the dark. “Yes.” He replied to his sister. “I can’t sleep.” She whispered to him. “Nether can I.” His spine tingled slightly. ‘Was this regret of all the HiveWings I’ve killed?’ He wondered pushing back the flashes of dead HiveWings he killed. Weed shuddered. No this is something different. His head went up instantly. “What is it?” Vine asked. Then even her ears strained. They both heard under all of the breathing, and snoring around camp ‘bizzzZZZ.’ Weed jumped to his feet. “We are under attack!” He shouted bursting out of the hut. But it was to late for the LeafWings to react. BOOM the hut in front of him exploded. His whole body smashed right through and into the hut right in front of his sister. “Ek! Are you alright?” She said running over too him. He winced up his back and head hurt like death. He shook his head red drops skittered all over the place. He put his talons to his snout to resize that his snout was bleeding heavily. “Yes I am fine.” He finally replied to his sister. “Wait if that hut exploded doesn’t that mean-“ Weed didn’t let her finish,he grabs her talon and pulls her away from the hut. They both look up and there is a huge battle going on up there. They both nodded and hurled themselves into battle. Weed hisses at a solid black HiveWing. Slaps his tail across the face of another. ‘There is so many!’ He thought. ‘This might be the whole tribe!’ He realized. His heart beat faster then it’s ever beat before. A HiveWing slashed the side of his neck while another raked her claws down his back and the third one bit his leg. “Let go!” He heard his sister yelp. He slashed the throat of the black HiveWing threw off the other two and flew to help his sister. The red-black HiveWing ripped his claws across Vines throat. “NO!!” Weed said tears streaming down his face. He looked around and released that their Forest is getting burned down and LeafWings are all dying and falling from the sky onto the bloodstained battlefield. His tears fell like rain realizing that they lost the war. He turned around to face a gray and yellow White eyed HiveWing and five more HiveWings. Weed looks up at the stars then stares at the HiveWings. He jumped and tackled the HiveWing and the other one dug his claws into his underbelly. Weed slashed his claws at another one. Claws raked his shoulder. Claws dug deep into his chest a twisted in. Blood filled his mouth flowing out of the sides of them. His vision started to blur pain filled him as he faded into nothingness. Did I surprise you with a main character dying? Haha I know it’s not really my style but what evs. I wanted to be dramatic and scary and realistic so here! Sorry if I broke your heart I hope you didn’t get to attached to them. Sorry again if I broke your heart. Welp good bye for now I might make a SilkWing POV in another Winglet good bye 😘
  • Absolutely Amazing!!! 😁

    By jmc012
    I’ve read the Wings Of Fire series 3 times, and I’ve just started to read the small side books and this one was amazing! Six-claws is such an awesome character! He’s so interesting! And Princess Blaze as a dragonet! So funny! I totally think this book is worth reading! You’ll love it!!! ❤️😍😄😁😆😋
  • CatWing OC

    By umacat114
    Kit Tribe: CatWing Appearance: fur is reddish brown and scales are shiny red Abilities: CatWing abilities, is animus Parents: Mom: Hiss Dad: Unknown Other facts: she makes and upgrades weapons and armor (if u play the game cat quest the u know where I got idea, she is niece of Queen Calico Princess Persian Appearance: white fur and pink scales Abilities: CatWing abilities Parents: Queen Calico and king Tabby Other facts: likes being pretty, stuck up