The Lost Continent (Wings of Fire #11) - Tui T. Sutherland

The Lost Continent (Wings of Fire #11)

By Tui T. Sutherland

  • Release Date: 2018-06-26
  • Genre: Animal Fiction for Kids
Score: 5
From 830 Ratings


The #1 New York Times bestselling series continues with a thrilling revelation -- brand-new tribes of dragons!Blue the SilkWing is content. Life in his Hive is safe; he loves his family; he has enough to eat. And Pantala has been at peace for as long as he can remember -- SilkWings and HiveWings live and work together in harmony, and because they stay vigilant, no one has seen a dangerous LeafWing in years. Now that Blue's sister, Luna, is undergoing her Metamorphosis, Blue knows things are going to change. Luna will have her wings and her silk, be assigned a partner and a work order, and move to another Hive. A few days later, Blue's own wings and silk will come in. But nothing could prepare Blue for what happens when Luna's wings start to grow. Suddenly his world is turned upside down, throwing him into dangers he never knew existed. Pantala isn't as peaceful as it seems, and Blue isn't safe. Whether he's ready or not, it's time to adapt -- and fight for his life.


  • I love it so much

    By Luna sopris
    Love this series so much I have read this book along with all the other books many times and they are so good 100% recommend (second favorite book in the series)
  • Hello. I is back :3 :3

    By SilverMoonlight256
    Sooo. Like I had said in book 7, I will be adding the Pantalian dragon hybrid names. And as well as them mixed with Pyhrian dragons. I will most definitely need help with this so let your ideas spill out. PlEaSe 🙏 🙏 🙏 Edit: Helped by ExhraDragonet Mud/Silk: Mud/Hive: Mud/Leaf: Lilypad Sea/Silk: Turquoise/Teal Sea/Hive: Coral/Reef/Coralreef Sea/Leaf: Seaweed Rain/Silk: Rain/Hive: Rain/Leaf: Night/Silk: Night/Hive: Night/Leaf: Moonflower Sand/Silk: Sand/Hive: Termite Sand/Leaf: Cactus Ice/Silk: Ice/Hive: Ice/Leaf: Peppermint, Minty Sky/Silk: Sky/Hive: Spitfire Sky/Leaf: Silk/Hive: Spider/Web/Spiderweb Silk/Leaf: Hive/Leaf: Again, don’t have anything for this. Pls help me 🥲🥲🥲 - SilverMoontlight256
  • Fan fiction 🥳yaay

    By Thunderstorm of the skywings
    I take back what I said(cept sundew she is still cool but gay) Blue is a adorable little muffin who falls in love with the best hivewing ever This one was my favorite wof book for years mostly cause cricket is the best but blues good too I like the twists and turns especially when blue gets captured I have most of the real books including both legends wings of fire is da bomb. Fan fic the arena Chapter 1 Nymph landed on pyrrhia he collapsed and rested awhile, the case On his thigh hissed ominously he opened it inside was a strange metal case he had put two dragonbite vipers inside. he threw it to the ocean with a loud splash the case was gone as were the vipers ‘better to kill them than let them loose’ he thought he had been through a lot lately stealing the map inside the book of clearsight getting chased by zombie hivewings and flying all the way to Pyrrhia Nymph stood up and flew toward the secret tunnel he had seen.His vision was correct and he arrived at the tunnel with no problems it was hidden under sand but he could tell what it was because it was ringed with cacti he ducked In after what seemed like two minutes he came out the other side he looked around marveling at the beauty of the rainforest but he couldn’t do that longerThere were dragons in the forest he looked around nothing and then flew in the direction of jade mountain academy. He was as stealthy as possible Making sure to stay silent he was halfway or so when the first dragon he had seen on this new continent She was black short spines across her back with short straight horns Starlike scales shone on the underside of her wings then it struck him this dragonLooked exactly like Clearsight the dragon he had inherited powers from Hey soph of bread I really like your work specifically the crescent moon prophecy My favorite character is probably luck If you enjoyed my first chapter thanks it went through three phases of development and it’s still not as good as the rest of the book (gets better next chapter) the next Chapter will be in escaping peril hope you enjoyed Thunderstorm out 🫠 by the way I am going to cancel posting this fan fic until I make it better thank you
  • ( ̄∇ ̄)

    By ExhraDragonet
    Edit: I got some names for you SilverMoonlight :D Sea/Hive: Coral/Reef/Coralreef Sea/Leaf: Seaweed Sand/Hive: Termite Sky/Hive: Spitfire Sky/Leaf: Autumn or Fall Silk/Hive: Spider/Web/Spiderweb • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Please do not use unless you have permission! GustWings Appearance: Light grey with squiggled white stripes on them looking like gusts of wind. Their horns are normally a little darker than light grey which also have white squiggles on them. Ability: If strong enough, 4 year old Gustwings can flap their wings forward of them to create a huge gust of wind, as strong as an hurricane. Can also create small clouds to blind a dragon temporarily. Queen: Queen Gale • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CactusWings Appearance: Dark green with less-dark-green stripes going upwards. Also, small yellow spots covering the body, With a yellow pointy tip at the end of its tail. Ability: Dragons who touch a CactusWing will be either poisoned or injured. They can also not be spotted overhead as they look like cacti. Queen: Queen Prickly • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • One Of My Oc’s Death Line & Story 1. Nepenthes (Feminine) Death Type: Stabbed & Drowned Death Reason: Hatred & Jealousy “You’re such a dork Nepenthes!” Said Kyanite as she nudged Nepenthes with her elbow “All i did was bonk my head in the- mirror...” Nepenthes eyes widened then shut slowly “Jee now that i say that aloud, i realize what a dork i am.” Nepenthes’s smile turned into a frown as she put her hand on her forehead and came to a stop to sit down “Don’t you fret over your clumsiness, you can’t help it.” Kyanite rolled her eyes and slowly smiled “Why don’t we, oh i don’t know, go night swimming?” Nepenthes eyes widened, so did her smile “Oh! what a brilliant idea! Let’s go ask if Tanoak wants to come!-“ “NO!..” Nepenthes looked frightened “I mean yes, let’s just go to Tanoak now.” Kyanite said in a serious tone and look. They both flew off without further discussion. Nepenthes was behind Kyanite flying and she saw a shiny object in her pouch connected to her wing. Nepenthes didn’t ask because it probably didn’t matter. They eyed a small green hut and flew down to it “Nepenthes! Kyanite!” Yelled excited dragon peaking out the door “Hi Tanoak!” Said Nepenthes as she and Kyanite landed “Hi Tanoak.” Kyanite gave Tanoak a long stare “A-are you okay Kyanite?” Tanoak stuttered as he lifted his talon “Never been better” Kyanite said with a slow menacing grin “Okayyyyyy..” Tanoak said as if he saw a crocodile balancing a banana on its tail. “So, are we going night swimming or what?!” Nepenthes said impatiently but kindly “Wait, we’re going night swimming?” Tanoak asked with a slow smile “Ahem, yes we are and came here to ask if you’d like to” Said Kyanite “Of course! { At The Lake } Nepenthes and Tanoak were splashing each other and goofing off while Kyanite was sitting on a large rock nearby. “Come on Kyanite! Join in on the fun!” Yelled both of them “Hmm… Okay.” Kyanite walked into the water with them “That was a lame entrance, you should’ve done a Fly-Dive!” Said Tanoak. Nepenthes and Tanoak both started giggling. Kyanite mumbled, then she lit up and added; “Tanoak, why don’t you get us some fish and grub?” Asked Kyanite and grinned. “Okay, good idea!” Tanoak swam to the surface. “Why does he always get the grub first?” Nepenthes laughed. “If you don’t want any grub or fish that’s okay.” Said Kyanite as she pulled something out of her small bag. “I’m obviously gonna have some fish and grub, i’m starving!” Said Nepenthes as she smiled at Kyanite. “Haha, well that’s too bad, because you won’t be getting any.” Said Kyanite as her grin turned menacing “What do you mean-“ Nepenthes let out a yelp and looked shocked and frozen. “W-why?” Blood started gushing out of Nepenthes shoulder to her neck. “Because, everything is about you and- I HATE YOU.” Her face turning furious as she pulled out the dagger from Nepenthes shoulder and rose it up above her “I thought we were frien-“ Kyanite stabbed Nepenthes several times near her heart. Nepenthes went silent and fell into the water and sank and sank and sank- you get the point. “My mission is done, see you in h3ll.” Said Kyanite as she kicked Nepenthes deeper until she couldn’t see her anymore. “Hey i got the grub and fish- hey where’s Nepenthes?” Said Tanoak as he swam over. “Oh, she decided to leave early.” Said Kyanite as she tried to act sad. “Aw, that’s too bad. Well see ya!” Said Tanoak as he handed Kyanite the grub and fish and swam out of the water then flew off into the sky. Let me know if you liked it! -ExhraDragonet • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
  • Death ☠️ Lines (Is this a thing now?) for my OC’s dragonlover ⬇️

    By redpandazozo14
    bah I give up: TRADERRRRRR! YESSIR! Now,Ask me if you want to be in my fic! There will be spots Helps 0/2 Murder/assassin 0/1 Strange dude 0/1 Trader (at Possibility) 1/2 Pls ask anything! And also, this is a BTW. I just updated my iPad to the newest version and it’s the iPad HEAVEN! Aquamarine (Me) “But he never did anything to me,grandmother! He tried to protect me!” ~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~ Reason: She did not die,but her crush Ash did and got a you know.. Death punishment but he was actually trying to protect her from his tribe. Sad! 😞 Poor Aquamarine Ash “Your majesty, I did not try to kill your granddaughter. I tried to protect her.” ~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~ Reason: (See Aquamarine’s),speaking to Queen Coral Cobra “Ow! It hurts! HELP M-“ ~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~ Reason: He got stabbed by his own brother 😱,yelled for his life Quartz “I am sure to look after you when I’m-“ ~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~ Reason: Old age,she was speaking to her only dragonet.😢 Voidwalker “*Breathes heavily* I love…just don’t forget me okay?” ~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~ Reason: He got clawed by his neck trying to save his Winglet in battle, he spoke to Sakura.🫡 Sakura “I-I am sure why you did this,and you had your reasons” ~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~§~~ Reason: She got hit with frostbreathe from a IceWing named Pinecone,who she was foe’s with. Bye, Aquamarine the SeaWing
  • I’m on the prologue and it’s already awesome

    By MusicGirl2023
    I feel so sorry for Clearsight that she had to run away from Pyrrhia, but she DID make an awesome new discovery!
  • To: Aqua :3

    By bah i give up
    I wanna join! I’ll have this oc take helps if that ok… name: Strife tribe: nightwing/skywing hybrid appearance: black back scales with violet under scales and hints of crimson under his wing Personality: awkward/secretive/optimistic/sometimes rude Abilities: being annoying idk u decide Theme song: better friends by BETWEEN FRIENDS secondary song: enchanting by Taylor Swift ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ bai! SpiritCatcher the DarkOne
  • Blue is the sweetest dragon In the series!!

    By FlaretheFireDragonYoutube
    Ok by far. Blue and Cricket are my two fav characters!!! 😃 Blue has such a caring heart!!! And also. Blue and Cricket must be the proudest parents of all. SNUDOOO YOU 😃😆🥳😜 READ WOF!!!!!!!!!!
  • OCS Because it’s 8:00 PM

    By WarmWind from ShadowClan
    Name: Ghost Tribe: SilkWing Gender: Female Mother(s): Antelope Father(s): Parrot Sister(s): Hibiscus Brother(s): Shadow Scales: Pure white with gray splotches on nose and face Name: Alaska Tribe: IceWing Gender: Female Mother(s): Silver Father(s): Seal Sister(s): Evergreen Brother(s): Gray, Pine, Fir Scales: Dark-ish gray white
  • Hold up

    By dragon lover 24258
    Did some nerd just challenge me? UNACCEPTABLE