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  • Initial thoughts

    By Ash J Lee
    I love Anita Blake, the vampire hunter, emphasis on vampire hunter. I think that’s why I’m a little disappointed with this book. It was over two thirds of the way into the book before Anita became an active part of trying to stop the violence occurring in Ireland. I appreciate that Anita is more comfortable with her lovers, but this felt like a text dedicated to sex. Not an inherently bad thing, but just not what I like about the series.
  • M

    By Whodatnh
    Mmmyvn Thanks My mom MMP dynasty y Oopse. Happy new night hey tug Lh
  • Crimson

    I have seen every step that Anita Blake has gone through in the series and this is now my favorite book in her life.
  • Lost her way

    Crimson Death Review Lost her way Having been reading the Anita Blake novels for many years, I found myself excited with the release of Crimson Death. The fact that Damien, a very under explored character, was to be prominent, made me more so. However, not far into the book, all of my excitement had soon dissolved. The reason for this was the lack of story, endless talking and revision of previous dialogue. So much of the last few Anita Blake novels has been devoted to therapy sessions between Anita and her lovers. Constant angst and hand holding dominate the novels. Crimson Death went to the extreme in this case, with the plot of the story coming in a very distant second. For me, gone is the tough resilient character Anita used to be. Replaced by a new person with more issues than a Twilight character. During this book I found myself skimming and skipping pages trying to find a story. I've read and reread all of the Anita Blake novels, this one I had real trouble finishing. The lead protagonist of this book was barely introduced before the ending, which was also over so quickly. This is my least favorite LKH book so far. Am hoping she goes back to what made this series great. Great characters, enthralling plot and exciting action sequences. Am required to put a star for this review, but am hard pressed to.
  • Crimson Death

    By AJ123R
    If I could downgrade this star I would. The series has been reduced to emotional drama and lame sexual fantasies. Not even a true vision of the original Anita Blake personality left. The plot doesn't even begin until halfway thru then suddenly finishes up with a metaphysical Disney like ending. Lame.
  • Not my favorite LKH book

    By Melisue1834
    Normally when I get a new Anita Blake book I can't put it down. Once I start reading I find it hard to stop until I reach the last page. I've had the opposite problem with this one. I can't seem to make myself read it. All the relationship stuff is getting in the way. The whole Sin thing is awkward at best and tedious at worst. My understanding of polyamory is much improved having read the book, but there's so much wading through all the relational stuff that the plot is getting lost on me.
  • What a Disappointment!

    By AredNY
    I used to love Anita Blake. In this book - the character mostly annoyed me, and I've read all the books. Why would you talk so much about nothing? Whine whine whine! Forgetting to feed over & over. More thinking thoughts & talking just to talk. SMH. Someone needs to grow up. Not even looking forward to the next book.
  • Great short story hidden in a long novel

    By Dr. Ricojones
    I love the Anita Blake series but the most recent books have had way too much repetition and boring relationship angst. This book was literally 75% or more boring angsty relationship issues that added nothing to the story. You could skip the entire first 1/2 to 2/3rds of the book and you wouldn't miss the actual story. The last few chapters are when the story begins and quickly ends. I really enjoyed the ending of the book but there was just way too much boring filler in most of the book. Please go back to writing adventures for Anita and use her necromancy. That is what drew us in originally and that is how you get us to stay fans. The few action packed chapters in this book were great, give us more of that!
  • Crimson Death- Anita fan

    By Q-tip / letty
    The book overall was alright, not my favorite. I did not like the ending. She was so OVERLY detailed on unimportant things in the first 83 chapters that the ending just seem rushed and unfinished. I was hoping the ending would be as detailed as the whole book but it was not.
  • Crimson Death

    By Sara krausie
    As always, you cannot find a higher level of imagination, storytelling, sex, and intelligence combined so skillfully, it leaves you wanting more! So addictive. Only negative, anyone who's read any of the books in this series knows the characters, so adding all the extra explanations about them seems like unnecessary fluff.