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  • Fantastic!

    By Astroyic
    This was a Fantastic story! So beautiful, but is also so emotional and heartbreaking as it deals with some serious emotional issues, addiction, loss of a child/infant, divorce, domestic abuse, homelessness and forgiveness. But as these issues are in the past we get to see how all these issues have impacted the two main characters Abe Bellamy and Sarah Smith. These two characters are lovable and so well developed, you will be thinking of their story long after you are finished. Ms. Singh really brings it all, in this story that captivated me from the beginning to end. Abe Bellamy is a rock star in the famous rock group "School Boy Choir", and Sarah Smith is his ex-wife who left him after he told her he didn't love her. In Rock Wedding we get a glimpse of an addicted Abe from Sarah's POV. After divorcing him, Sarah is all alone, but she proves to everyone that she is no longer going to be a victim. Sarah starts her own business and with a lot of hard work she becomes very successful as she turns her cleaning business into a successful, thriving business. Abe has finally become clean after two years of struggling with his drug addiction and rehab attempts, so when he sees Sarah at a a Music Festival all he wants to do is properly apologize to her. During most of their divorce battle he hadn't been sober, Sarah's opinion of him, meant everything and he had screwed their marriage up beyond redemption. Now that he was sober, Abe isn't going to give up easily. Not when he still loves Sarah. So he sets out to woo her, to regain her trust and her love if he can. Their chemistry is scorching hot. Even with all Sarah has been through with Abe, she cannot resist him. They both open up and finally shares their difficult pasts to one another bringing down their walls and connecting on a level they have never shared before. Abe is a new person to Sarah, as he constantly shows his affection, admiration and support, of her, something she has never had in her life before. He finally may earn his redemption. But as good as this all feels to Sarah she still has doubts that all this could go away in a instant. So will Sarah give in to Love? Or will Sarah move on alone? You will have to read to find out. Highly recommended!! Loved it! Received a complimentary copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.