Belief: A Novel of Ancient Egypt - Paul Morrison

Belief: A Novel of Ancient Egypt

By Paul Morrison

  • Release Date: 2016-09-20
  • Genre: Historical Fiction


BELIEF is a historical novel set in 1574 B.C. during a crisis period in Pharaonic Egypt. The book depicts the struggle to expel the foreign invaders from the east, the Hyksos, and the difficulty in trusting a new god whose promises are too good to be true and also too vague to be trusted.
Hori, a junior priest did not mean to serve a new god. He just wanted a little attention, but through his irresponsible and foolish lies, he ends up in a terrible situation. The events he unleashes soon become uncontrollable...
An uneasy truce rules the divided Egypt, but in 1574 B.C. a pharaoh emerges, a man who seeks to expel the invaders and restore Egypt to its former glory. Pharaoh Seqenenre Tao knows his plan is a dangerous one and that his supporters are divided. The possibility of victory over the foreign invaders is a remote one. The old gods have seemingly abandoned Egypt to its fate; something else will be needed to rally the people in the long struggle ahead. Can this new god, the Sand God help the pharaoh overcome the invaders? How will this be done and more importantly, what will be the demands from the god in achieving this?