The Pharaoh: Book 1 of The Giza Trilogy - Paul Morrison

The Pharaoh: Book 1 of The Giza Trilogy

By Paul Morrison

  • Release Date: 2013-07-05
  • Genre: Historical Fiction


How were the three massive pyramids on the Giza Plateau built? Why were they built? Who constructed these enormous mountains of stone? In the first novel of the GIZA TRILOGY - THE PHARAOH these questions are answered, or at least plausible explanations offered to the reader... THE PHARAOH is the fictional account of the life and times of Pharaoh Khufu who ruled Egypt (Kemet) from 2589 - 2566 B.C. Khufu, who was considered by those he ruled over as a god-king was the builder of the largest of the three pyramids on the Giza Plateau.

THE PHARAOH tells the story of Khufu’s life, from beginning to end – his childhood enrolment in the School of Scribes as well as his duties, firstly as prince and then as pharaoh. Khufu’s military conquests south into Kush to gather gold for his treasury so that his pyramid can be built are also portrayed, along with his close relationship in the royal palace with his wives and children and finally, his on-going conflict with the priests who try to undermine his power to increase their own. Above all, it is the story of Khufu’s greater vision to construct his magnificent House of Eternity, the pyramid that will ensure his immortality in the After Life – for all of eternity...

THE PHARAOH is an epic novel illustrated with numerous diagrams and pictures and also researched with great accuracy. Though historical fiction, it helps recreate the times of Khufu and the construction of his pyramid, as well as telling the story of the lives of some of the everyday workers on the pyramid, bringing these long forgotten people to life once more. In the pages of the book, the reader will meet some of the quarry cutters, pullers of stone, overseers and supervisors, priests and scribes, along with specialist workers such as carpenters and stonemasons who together, built this impressive mountain of stone as the final resting place for their pharaoh. The pyramid built by Khufu on the Giza Plateau and named by him, 'Horizon of Khufu' is the last remaining SEVEN WONDERS of the ANCIENT WORLD.