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  • Amazing

    By J0987643115794,74
    I love the different perspective! I’m a huge Rose Gardner fan and these just add to the story!
  • Love this series

    By Tinasb
    Love Neely Kate and her series!
  • Trailer Trash

    By Southern by Marriage
    Written to appeal to “the common folk”, which I am, the theme to me is quite immature and gimmicky. It reminds me of the cheap romance books I used to sneak and read of my mother’s, back in the day. I found it very lacking in a strong story line, believability of the characters, and the romance side, felt like a high school girl giving it her all. I paid $4.99 for this, which was $4.98 too much.
  • Love it!

    By Sweetsballer
    Another fantastic book from Denise! I couldn’t put it down! I love how you can never expect what is going to happen. She has a way of sucking you in and forgetting everything around you.
  • Talk about emotions

    By Jehsicka
    Neely Kate had a past but never in a million years did I think it was this. I love Neely Kate and I love the strong brave woman she is today. Most probably couldn’t get over what she went through. And Jed.... Can I have him?? Hahaha
  • Trailer trash

    By Cris2306
    Omg this book had me feeling so many emotions. There was so much raw materials but I loved them all I felt her emotions along with mine
  • Trailer trash

    By TyNelson24
    How can you not love Neely Kate? I love that she has become a better and different person since she met Rose. She's strong and feisty and can be a little humorous at times. I hope Neely Kate and Jed stay together. They are so good for each other!! Loved this book. Another I couldn't put down!
  • It’s been 2 years since I have read

    By Mauri2150
    It’s been 2 years since I have read a book by Denise, not because I lost interest... but because life happened and my “ me” time disappeared. Well picking up where I left off is as if I never skipped a beat! Love her books, love how they take me to this world of NK and Rose, as if I’m standing next to them smelling the hot summer days or coffee or muffy’s farts!! Lol
  • Trailer Trash

    By Knute1066
    I have always enjoyed reading Swank’s books. Great character development, interesting story lines, stories that you remember. Unfortunately, her language is becoming almost intolerable. The f-bomb is unnecessary to her novels. I am disappointed in reading words that are inappropriate. Is this how she speaks around her children? Please change. You are too good of a story teller to resort to gutter dialogue to keep readers.
  • Excellent

    By Inuvik
    Definitely different from Rose Gardner books. It was just as delightful and mysterious. Neily Kate's darker side comes out into the open and her surprising side kick sets it perfectly. Love love love!