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  • :)

    By Jehsicka
    Rose and Neely Kate have done it again!! And my my James and Jed! Denise I am so addicted to your books I reread them all the time and I never get bored. I hope Rose and Neely Kate books never go away!
  • For the birds

    By Cris2306
    Rose has done it again. I love her in this book so strong and amazing
  • Hell In A Handbasket

    By TyNelson24
    I couldn't put this book down. I love Rose and Neely Kate! They just kept getting into things one right after the other! I was a little surprised over the ending but oh it's going to get juicier in Up Chute Creek. Can't wait to read it! I don't want the Rose Gardner Investigations to end. They are so exciting and can't wait to see what happens next!!! Best series of books I have ever read!
  • kryptonite

    By Mauri2150
    My weakness , once I start I can put them down!
  • Home run!

    By Hushpuppy53
    Once again Denise delivers a truly amazing story! I can’t wait to read the next books in this series. Another book that is so well written you absolutely can’t bare to put it down!
  • Great stories

    By Ballhitter
    I have read the entire series of 281/2 wishes and can’t wait for the next one to come out. These stories keep you in suspense and cliff hangers at the end and again I can’t wait to see what the next one holds. Will Rose and James end up together or at the end of the two weeks will she tell him no because her niece and nephew need her since Violet is dying and Mike has already told her he didn’t like her choices in friends and didn’t want her circle of friends to be around his children????? Great writing, great stories and entertaining plots. Please let Rose make a decision that will make her happy as she has been alone and hurt enough.
  • This is the best of the Rose Gardner stories

    By Coloradogal
    To truly enjoy Rose and her friends you need to start at the beginning with the Rose Gardner Mysteries. I totally am hooked on that series and the following series Rose Gardner Investigations. Denise takes you on a ride with this book…and loving every minute of it. The characters are so well drawn, the story plot will cause you to laugh and to cry and to love every minute of it. When we finish you will be so sorry to put it down!
  • Mason and Rose

    By Skajsnxcx
    Loved the mystery serious. Couldn't put them down read them all in a week, but I think she she should be with Mason. He treated her as an equal and even let her go to let her figure out what she wanted even if it broke him. Joe is a "first love" who she loves but he's not the one for her. Skeeter to me isn't believable. He's a Murder and a criminal when you get down to it and yes he has a soft spot but what are they going to do settle down and have babies while daddy is out running the underworld and pushing drugs? Don't get me wrong he is a great character as is Jed, but how can she be madly in love with Mason and agree to marry him then just move on to skeeter no prob....
  • WOW!!!

    By WeMomma
    Fantastic book!!! I love Rose and Skeeter together!!!!! About time. Another great addition to this must read series.
  • Loved it

    By Starrx3
    I neeeeeddddd the next book already omg! I love Rose, she's my hero