A thought provoking, emotion filled page turner
By AYoungRebel
I came to this book after reading Blake’s other book Dark Matter. Just like the former, this book grabbed me and wouldn’t let go. Every page better than the last, this book left no unanswered questions, no gaps in the plot, it may just spoil you. The fact that there isn’t a movie or even a show about this story yet makes me upset haha. I won’t spoil it, but I need you to trust me when I say it is well worth a read and you won’t regret it one bit.
By Deebeeee
Simply amazing
Choose another
By girlguts
If you’re deciding which of his books to read, save this for last. Do Recursion or Black Matter or even Wayward series first. This one pales in comparison. Very disappointing after reading the others. It rings hollow and cold. Like reading a military drones version of events. I realize that’s kind of the point, but the authors written emotion is everything in his other publications. I’m also drunk right now so don’t take me too seriously.
So many universes!
By stone crap
If it wasn’t the same author I would have thought this was a rip off of Dark Matter
By Luminayre
Something about Recursion grabbed me in a way that no other science fiction title has. It is without a doubt my favorite title in the genre, and I look forward to reading it again.
Worth the time
By bert-san
Amazing plot. Fiction that is not too unrealistic. Did not want to put the book down.
So good.
By ShadyDan918
Fantastic. One of the best stories (‘sci-fi’ or otherwise) that I’ve read in a long, long time.
Good sci-fi
By Angi.B
Much like the butterfly effect, really good. He’s a great writer, it was a little slow a few times but well worth the read. If your not into sci-fi novels or movies this is in the book for you lol
By recursion+
Refreshing, intriguing take on time travel and the constructs of reality! Has an effect similar to the movie Butterfly Effect!!!
By russellladd
I’m only halfway through, and I can already tell this is the most interesting story I’ve ever read.