This leads perfectly to the last book!
By Vfont
I must say this part of the series really encompasses a different side of things and may seem “off” but in reality it’s perfect! I finished the series before reviewing and I’m glad I did!
This if the the entire series, because yes I read it all in 2 day!!🥰 I rarely get so hooked on the first of a series that I have to finish it, but with this series I would have gone mad if I hadn’t!! It was incredible❤️ if your looking for a real heart stopping tear jerking piss you off sometimes book, series this is it!!!! From start to finish I was entranced by the characters, the plots, the deceits, the love, and I’m so glad I gave this series a try as it is my new favorite🤩💕
Good but...
By Meeks146
I didnt like it as much as the prequel and 1st book. This one gave me anxiety bc she trusted so many shallow people over and over again. I just couldnt relate to being treated like a doormat and insulted repeatedly. Not my thing. The writing is still great, the author is great and I will look for other series by her.
Beware the false flatterers
By VIP's Assistant
K A Linde takes you on a crazy ride with this book, and you will find yourself alternately screaming at the characters and screaming at Linde herself.
A brief warning before we get to the good stuff: this review will contain spoilers from Cruel Money, the first book in the Cruel trilogy. So if you haven’t read that–and if you haven’t read it, what in the world is wrong with you–be warned.
Cruel Fortune picks up a few days after Cruel Money ended, letting you see the immediate effects of Natalie’s learning that Penn had a bet going on with Katherine regarding getting Natalie to fall in love with him. The rest of the book follows the aftermath.
I’m not going to talk plot with you because I worry I’ll give away something. Instead, I’m going to focus on a couple of things that K A Linde does that are SPECTACULAR.
That word “cruel” in the title. To accept it as part of the crew’s general practices would be to wildly diminish its impact. These people aren’t just cruel, they are vindictive. They are heartless. They are malicious. Every time they tell Natalie how wonderful she is (“You’re brilliant;” “You’re an incredible writer”), there is no genuine affection behind those words. There is no sincerity. They throw around platitudes and compliments to manipulate and coerce. To toy with and tease. Sometimes I wanted to grab Natalie by the shoulders and shout at her to NOT BELIEVE THEM.
But then I realized how much I, like Natalie, wanted to do that very thing.
Can you imagine what it would feel like to have that sort of attention, that sort of adulation from these people–from these wealthy, gorgeous, glamorous people? Can you imagine what it would feel like to be in the center of their orbit?
As frustrated as I got with Natalie’s inability to see the truth, I absolutely could understand why she didn’t want to. She says she wants nothing to do with their world, yet she is drawn to it. She finds inspiration in it, yes, but she also finds a place where she feels like–however unfounded that feeling may be–she belongs.
Which brings me to the other thing K A Linde does: she puts you in the mind of a character you didn’t know you needed to hear from until you do. This person who seemed one-note and static becomes more fully developed, more real, someone you want to know better. Someone you could even empathize with.
As Linde moves us to the final book in this trilogy, I look forward to what she’s going to do with these characters. What further cruelties will they inflict on each other? How will Natalie survive? At the end of Cruel Fortune, she is stronger, more worldly, even cynical to an extent. She has been fooled and fooled again. And now she knows the truth, about the crew, Penn, and herself. What will she do with that information?
I can’t wait to find out.
Oh, Yes, They Did!
By coffeegoddesstmk
Holy moly, this book...
I have been all in with the Cruel series by author K.A. Linde since the first book left me virtually staring at my e-reader with an open mouth and stunned look on my face. I mean, what the heck just happened there? Are there really people that operate like the Upper East Siders?
Here, in the second book of the Cruel series, Kyla pulls out all the stops, and reading CRUEL FORTUNE was like being at a tennis tournament. Back and forth, back and forth, in the most delicious way. The surprises just kept coming, and, I have to say, I couldn't even begin to guess where all of her twists and turns would take me. There is enough passion, enough drama, and enough double-dealing to make this read like the most delicious soap opera ever.
But, wait, there's more...because this story is far from over. I can hardly wait until July to get my hands on CRUEL LEGACY, the third and final installment in this over-the-top crazy good series. It is sure to delight, and finally, finally answer all of my remaining questions. In the meantime, CRUEL FORTUNE (and CRUEL MONEY, if you haven't read it yet) is not to be missed, so snap it up, all quick-like. You will be obsessed.
Angsty , twists and a must read !
By AnnettePopa
I don’t even know where to start . What a crazy crazy roller coaster ride . You won’t see any of it coming but omg you won’t stop reading . The angst and twists will leave you dying for book 3 . Ahhhhh. My heart I need more now !!! FYI these are my favorite kind of books and I love the wild ride .
By amandac3
Oh my good God. I can’t right now. What just happened???
This book picks up shortly after Cruel Money ends and deals with aftermath of that. Natalie is finally seeing her dreams come to fruition, but it comes with a price. Returning to the one place she never wanted to set foot in again.
She realizes that New York City is where she needs to be though. It inspires the creative side of her and she desperately needs that. She’s hoping to fly under the radar and come out unscathed. But that’s not possible in the Upper East Side.
This book takes you on an incredible journey of highs and lows. I had a bad feeling from the beginning, but much like Natalie, I didn’t want to believe it. Didn’t believe that it could happen again. And I got swept up in the glitz and glamour of it all.
We get to see all the players from the first book and get to know some characters that were hiding in the background before. I loved it and hated it. LOL!!!
These rich kids are vindictive and cruel. The title of this series is very apropos, because holy cruelty. The storyline did not go the direction I was expecting, like at all, but it was perfect. Perfectly, deliciously, heart-wrenchingly angsty. God. *clutches chest*
If you haven’t started this series yet, you must. You absolutely must. K.A. Linde brought her A game with this one and I cannot wait for the finale. July can’t come soon enough.
More please!
By Stephromig
I want more.. NOW!
This book has all the angst. I had a hard time putting it down.
The crew is all back with more crazy than ever and Natalie is in the big fat middle of it.
I was a big gossip girl fan and this book gives me all the feels. Xoxo
Oh my....
By turtlegirl1022
If I thought I knew how this story was going to go- I WAS WRONG! K.A. Linde brings her angst, crazy-awesome storytelling and takes it NEXT LEVEL! Those Upper East Siders are nasty!
Back in NYC
By Wookiee 45
4 stars for - Cruel Fortune - book two in the Cruel series by K.A. Linde. You really need to read book one - Cruel Money - first in order to have a better understanding of the characters and storyline prior to diving into this one.
Natalie Bishop is now a bestselling author and having to go back to the one place she never wanted to be again for a book release. New York’s Upper East side is full of the worst kind of people but it also contains her key to writing. What will she sacrifice in order to find her writing mojo again?
The land of the rich and privileged is not for the faint of heart. Frenemies, secrets and lies are once again part of her life but she’s not going down without a fight! Fans of the author are going to love the second part of this hot trilogy for sure! Can’t wait to read the conclusion in part three!
Another fantastic story in the series!
By gingin615
Finally! We're back with Natalie and her new found success a year later after the gasp of an ending to book one. Her success brings new challenges and with the loss of Penn, her mojo. As Nat takes a chance and enters the fray of the Big Apple she back in the the realm of the rich and famous which means the Crew. There's backstabbing, secrets and lies galore with this bunch. Ugh! There's one evildoer that is due some serious retribution. I'm rooting for Natalie even after her less than stellar actions. Will she finally leave Penn behind or vice versa? It appears so when Nat develops a new relationship with an old acquaintance. But in usual fashion with this fantastic author and her intriguing storytelling we have another killer ending that left me jonesing for the rest of the story ! Can't wait for the next installment in this terrific series. Loved it! I voluntarily reviewed an ARC.