Good story with Linde’s signature angst
By Wookiee 45
3.5 stars for - Hold The Forevers - by K.A. Linde. This is a complete standalone that features one heck of a love triangle so reader be warned!
Lilah has loved the same two men for the last twelve years. So many memories and so much pain have passed between them and she still doesn’t know who or what she wants.
This story is full of angst, drama and a lot of love. The story line jumps quite a bit so you really need to pay attention to who she is with and when. While this is a standalone I am hoping maybe a update with how Lilah and the man she finally picks are doing down the road as this one ended rather abruptly and with no epilogue.
Must Read
By chasidybarton
Lila, Ash and Cole...oh my! Hold the Forever’s is full of angst and ALL THE FEELS. Once I started, I couldn’t put it down! Lila loves two men, but can only have one!! This is a must read!! My heart was torn on who Lila would choose and I didn’t know which way she would go!!
The Angst Queen is BACK!
By JTumminello
You know how it feels when you eat your favorite dessert that you never let yourself have because it’s too expensive or it’s too many you enjoy every single bite of it and you savor the want to finish it because it’s sooooo delicious but then it will be all gone and you will be sad?? THAT is how I felt reading this book...from PAGE ONE!
K.A. Linde has a best seller on her hands and trust me, you want this book IN your hands! I’ve never read a book that begins the way this one did! I was blown away at how flawlessly she introduced us to and immersed us into Lila, Ash and Cole’s world. A true love triangle. The angst that you feel reading this book is palpable! When I thought I had it figured out, I was wrong! I’m not one to give books away with reviews that contain spoilers and I’m certainly not going to start that now and possibly ruin the best book you may read all year! Just know, you will fall in love with these characters...possibly some more than others. You will be angry with all of these characters...possibly some more than others! But what you won’t be, is disappointed!!!
Dive into this book, now! Do me a favor about 86%...let me know how you are doing????
By amandac3
Ohhhhhh mannnnn!!! This book is amazing!!!
I’ve yet to read a K.A. Linde book that I didn’t like, but this is easily one of her best works! The angst!!! Good lord. So deliciously good. The characters. Loved them, hated them, loved them. So much back and forth. Emotional whiplash galore. And it was glorious!!!
I can’t say much without giving all the deets away. We’re taken on a tumultuous journey as Lila, Ash, and Cole find their happily ever after. And buckle up because it’s a rough one, but also so beautiful. You will be on the edge of your seat until the very end. I could not put this book down. I was sucked in from the very beginning. This will easily be one of my top reads this year!
So many feels! Angst-filled and emotional!
By Virna Thompson
I could not wait to read Hold the Forevers by KA Linde. Books full of angst are my kryptonite and I love them! This one was full of all the angst and I devoured it. A love triangle that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. How will it all end? I want to share so much, but at the same time this is one you just have to read and experience.
Can you love two men at the same time? Delilah did and had to choose one to spend her life with. We know what her situation is, but we are taken back as we learn how each man came into her life, what they meant and how she finds herself where she is. One was her first love and the other came later. Both were good men. How could she choose? Let me tell you, it is worth the ride to read the story and find out!
Happy reading!
A love story like you’ve never read!
By Raiderchick81
I’m not even sure where to start with the review. I finished this book over a day ago and I can’t move on or get it out of my head. Hold the Forevers is a story that I know will stay with me for a long time.
Hold the Forevers is a love story about life altering, earth shattering all consuming love. The only problem is that Delilah experiences it with not one, but two different men, Ash and Cole.
I haven’t read a book with this level of angst in such a long time. The back and forth between each couple was a rollercoaster ride. But I got it, the way Lila feels about each one is that deep in your soul kind of love that doesn’t go away. The book spans the course of 11 years, it goes back and forth in time a bit but not in a confusing way. The story was so perfectly written, in Lila’s POV only. While I would have loved to get inside the head of both Cole and Ash, I think you needed to hear lila’s thoughts. She was the one always in the middle of these two great loves.
I was rooting for one of the men through the entire book. There was something about their connection that drew me to him more. In the end, the story ended perfectly. I loved very character in the book. I loved that Lila never played the damsel in distress, she wasn’t playing with either of the men’s emotions, she truly loved them both. I would never want to be put in her situation but I think she handled it the best she could.
A heart stopping 6 star book!!
Who will she choose at her own wedding!
By Yani Morales
First of all, presentation is everything! The book cover is gorgeous. The promotional content is gorgeous, the save the dates were gorgeous and a genius idea!
Hold the Forevers is a story of a love triangle between Lila, Ash & Cole. A woman loving two men & it begins on her wedding day! Yasssss 👏🏻👏🏻 scandalous from the get go! Anyways, it’s her wedding day and then it has flashbacks of the last couple of years where we get to learn their stories. I love this about author K.A. Linde, when she writes in the flashbacks and then brings us to the present to keep us guessing at all times.
Delilah also known as Lila to her friends and family, falls in love with two men at two different times in her life. A life that keeps bringing them all together like a fancy braid of fate.
Ash - who was Lila’s first love and screwed up in high school and spends years trying to make up for it.
Cole - the guy that mended her broken heart and wants to fight for their love foe years.
With all the ups and downs. The anger, hurt, love, funny times they all go through, who will she choose in the end... at her wedding no less!
Ahhhh please do yourself a favor and read this book!! It’s such an amazing love triangle angsty story that will have you all in your feelings.
The great thing about this book is that you also get to get a glimpse of some great relationships between friends. Ride or Die friendships are the best.
Absolutely amazing!
By Crystal 💜📚
Wow, I knew going in that this book would be an angsty read, but wow KA Linde blew it out of the water.
It’s a beast of a book at over 350 pages, but I could not put it down and flew through it in 24 hours. My heart couldn’t stop, I couldn’t wait to find out which one….
If you want an emotional, angsty read… PICK THIS UP! It is amazing! I will say, there is a lot of time jumps. It goes back and forth many years, you have to pay attention to the dates at the top of the chapter. But, if you can keep up, you will be taken on a true journey.
These characters are seriously something else. The depth… just everything. I was so emotionally invested. I can’t say more, because I don’t want to give any spoilers away. I will say, if you love a true angsty story that takes you back and forth and leaves you feeling all of the emotions, one click!
By Snellyville22
WOOOOOWWWW! I don’t even know where to start! This book is such a roller coaster of emotions. You spend the entire book not knowing which guy is going to be the one and you also have a hard time choosing who you even want it to be! The characters are so well written that you find yourself rooting for everyone. It’s incredible!
Loving this biggggg time!!!!
By Ashel05
Oh my. This book... owned me!
Lila... Ash... Cole....
Lila and Ash go to same high school...
High school sweethearts turned I to fire every?? Nope. That’s just where the story starts...
Lila & Cole... college sweethearts....
happily ever... wait, not yet.
The angst of loving two men. Of genuinely feeling like they’re both everything... wow!
This was so well written, plot was phenomenal. Sooooo good!!!!
Highly recommend this!