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  • Loved Salem!!!

    By 777sails
    I received a complimentary copy of this book and I am voluntarily reviewing it. All I can say is WOW!!! I started this late at night and stayed up until the early morning to finish it. The plot just grabbed me in right from the beginning. Pierce, a former military K-9 handler, is assigned to locate Salem a large female black German Shepherd that has gone missing since her injured handler went to a rehab facility. He goes to her last known location and meets Hedi, a deputy sheriff in Arrowhead, CO. The action is immediate and just keeps coming from all over the place. I couldn't stop until I had finished. Pierce is a strong alpha former soldier who hates to see women and children being disrespected and abused as well as evil men taking advantage of others. He is the ultimate hero. He fights to stop injustice while trying to locate and rehabilitate, Salem. She has lost her handler, Pete, when he goes to a rehab facility. Pete's brother Ross is supposed to take care of her and Pete's house and property. Ross is just after himself. Ross files a report with the Sheriff, that Salem bit his friend. Over several months, Salem is abuse, tortured and goes missing. She no longer trusts anyone. Pierce with his military K-9 training, starts the process of trust once she is located. Hedi is a strong, confident deputy sheriff who is fighting to protect innocent people against a corrupt Sheriff and his cronies. Two other male deputies are worthless and are slacking in fighting crime as well. Hedi comes to realize that Pierce is a "good man" as he stirs up trouble with the town's evil men and joins in the fight to help him. I really enjoyed the POV format as there was so much action that getting a glimpse in the characters' mind really helped me to see the connect forming between these two. This is a really good story. It isn't necessary to read the prior book as this a stand-alone. I highly recommend this book!
  • Great action!

    By Cheryl SDS
    This is book 2 in the K-9 Files series and it features Pierce and Hedi. Pierce is a man of honor. These two hit it off as friends pretty quickly. In a town full of corruption, the good guys tend to gravitate towards each other. The story really tugged at my heart strings. Helping a rehabilitating veteran and his canine veteran war dog stay together, makes for a fabulous read! The action and suspense were great. Even though the story line was amazing, the romance was little on the slow side. Characters, good and bad, were fantastic. The flow of the story was constant and was full of action. I’m looking forward to more!
  • A happy ending for all

    By Harley Jean Matta
    I was kindly provided this book as an ARC; in exchange for my honest review. This is book 2 of 3 (so far) in The K9 Files series. This book centers around Pierce and Hedi. Pierce former Navy K9 handler is severely injured and his dog, Trigger killed. Now, Pierce is out of the Navy and tasked by Titanium Security (see SEALs Of Steel series) to locate/rescue one of a about 12 dogs potentially in trouble that had gone missing or were in bad situations. The dog assigned to Pierce to follow up on is Salem, a K9 military dog that belonged to Pete, a veteran, who was severely injured and forced to return to the VA rehab. Pete thought he’d left his beloved dog in the safe hands of his brother Ross. Only to learn his brother and others had abused her and were threatening her life. No one has Salem’s or Pete’s best interests in mind. Pierce arrives in Arrowhead, CO to discover a county in crisis and a potential new love in Hedi. I’ll state this story definitely flowed much more easily than the first in this series and didn’t feel so “laid-out.” Again, it seems the author is moving more toward writing mystery/suspense rather than straight alpha type romance that this genre typically falls in. It’s still very good, but may not be what the reader is expecting. As always, the grammar, editing and spelling are top-notch (which anymore is NOT common and makes me crazy 🥴.)
  • Pierce: The K9 Files 02

    By Book Addict KJB
    Pierce is the second book of the K9 series. He volunteers to search for the missing K9 Salem in Colorado and finds more than he expected. He meets Hedi, daughter of the former sheriff and a current deputy in a department that does not defend or protect. She is one of the few who is protective of the missing dog and her community. Together, Pierce and Hedi piece together what happened to Salem, her master and the going ons of the neighboring property. Respect, mutual support, community. Another wonderful book in the K9 series and I look forward to more books to come. Bravo! I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.