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  • Zane

    By 777sails
    I received a complimentary copy of this book and I am voluntarily reviewing it. I absolutely loved this book. I sat down and couldn't stop reading it. I love this series. It is such a heart-breaking one. Each book touching on one war-dog. There are twelve war-dogs that have gone missing in some way or another. A wounded vet is assigned to one dog to locate and see if the living conditions are such for an honored hero. What each dog has gone through after service to the country is just a tear-jerker. This one had my teary eyed a lot. Zane is assigned to go to Maine and locate Katch. A large shepard mix who is suffering from PTSD. Unfortunately the dog was last to be in the company of a hunter. It is the worst place for a dog suffering from PTSD to be. Zane doesn't want to go to Maine as he is from there. His ex-girlfriend, Holly married his baby brother after they broke up and he left for the military. His brother is dead now but Holly seemed to want to get back together with Zane and he isn't exactly sure how he feels about being with her now. Holly is a veterinarian. She has never stopped loving Zane but when they were younger, she couldn't deal with Zane going into the military. Holly is no longer the selfish young girl that she was but she is afraid that Zane will leave again. These two come together to locate and help Katch. Unfortunately Katch is being hunted down and tortured. As the story goes on, reading the dual POV format really helps to understand Holly's side of their history and how she is dealing with the situation of him being there and possibly leaving afterwards. I really needed this as I initially had a hard time in understanding her actions. The events that go on throughout this story will keep you glued to your e-reader as well. The action starts right from the beginning and doesn't stop. Just when you think it does, watch out. I highly recommend this to everyone. You really don't have to read the prior stories but I would. Each one will tug on your heartstrings for both the dog and the man.
  • Very good, but very sad

    By Harley Jean Matta
    I was kindly provided this book as an ARC; in exchange for my honest review. This is book 3 of 6 (so far) in The K9 Files series. This book centers around Zane and Holly. Zane is not a former military K9 handler like the previous “dog rescuers;” but, he is 1 year out of the Navy; after a medical discharge. He has a strong affinity for animals and is now tasked by Titanium Security (see SEALs Of Steel series) to locate/rescue one of a about 10 of the original 12 dogs potentially in trouble that had gone missing or were in bad situations. The dog assigned to Zane to follow up on is Katch, a PTSD, medically retired military K9. Zane was convinced (forced) to go home to Maine to hunt down Katch, a K9 dog the Military had lost track of. Going home wasn’t an easy decision for Zane. It meant facing his dysfunctional family “demons.” Finding Katch seemed like the easiest part of his homecoming. Sad part was, Zane wasn’t the only one “hunting” Katch. Holly has had a rough few years. But, she held hope that Zane would come home again so they could work things out. The missing dog (Katch) has been shot and ends up in Holly’s vet clinic for recovery, where a hunter keeps trying to “finish” what he started. Truthfully, this is just a sad, sad story. People hating an innocent K9 veteran and trying to kill the precious boy. Then a wounded guy who never resolves anything with his horrible family.. Just very sad. The story moves quickly, is well written and worth a few hours of your time. Again, it seems the author is moving more toward writing mystery/suspense rather than straight alpha type romance that this genre typically falls in. It’s still very good, but may not be what the reader is expecting. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
  • Zane: The K9 Files 03

    By Book Addict KJB
    K9s. Used in the military for rescue, for explosive and drug detection, to save lives. 12 dogs were lost in the process of them being retired from service and returned to the United States. Former SEALS, themselves discharged from service due to medical reasons, are recruited to find and confirm the K9s and ensure they are safe. Zane is sent to Maine to locate Katch. This is also the area that Zane grew up and a former girl friend still lives. Finding Katch was fairly easy. Protecting the War Dog and determining the why of the attack, not so much. And there is Holly. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.