Sermons of Ralph Erskine: Christ and His Followers,The Promising God,The Faithfulness of Christ unto Death - Ralph Erskine

Sermons of Ralph Erskine: Christ and His Followers,The Promising God,The Faithfulness of Christ unto Death

By Ralph Erskine

  • Release Date: 2020-01-09
  • Genre: Christianity


Christ and His Followers
Throbbing with energy and fervor Sermons of Ralph Erskine are vivid and memorable.‎ He and his brother Ebenezer founders of the Associate Presbytery revered the Word and preached on ‎its authority alone. Ralph Erskine’s strong theology and unquenched spirit are evident even in his ‎writings. Master preacher and skilled exegete he persuaded his listeners to a genuine conversion. ‎Volume 1 contains 23 sermons while volume 2 has 28. Experience the power of the Scriptures!‎
The Promising God
Resounding truth in ringing tones Sermons of Ralph Erskine is exceptional! Useful as a study tool ‎Erskine's sermons reinforce the truth of God as the one who made His promises to His people and ‎keeps them. Recognize afresh the unchanging God who cannot and will not change and whose word ‎will not fail. A solid rock to build one’s faith upon. Volume 3 includes 28 sermons while volume 4 has ‎‎25. A great collection of sermons worth your time. Highly encouraging! ‎
The Faithfulness of Christ unto Death
Striking and scripturally sound, Ralph Erskine’s Sermons show several salient truths in simple style. ‎Emphasizing Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, faithfully fulfilling God’s plan to purchase salvation for man, ‎Erskine’s graphic portrayal of hell burned in the listeners’ memory! His pictures of heaven's open ‎doors in Christ and his admonishing the lost to flee from the wrath to come are certainly ‎unforgettable! Volume 5 has 29 sermons while volume 6 includes 14. Challenging yet comforting! ‎Awesome read!‎